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Hero-murderer Ramil Safarov told about his bodily fear towards Armen

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  • Hero-murderer Ramil Safarov told about his bodily fear towards Armen

    Hero-murderer Ramil Safarov told about his bodily fear towards Armenians
    16:54 04/03/2013 » SOCIETY

    The Azerbaijani news agency published an article about
    murderer Ramil Safarov who was recognized as a hero in Azerbaijan. The
    article contained materials that were included in the criminal case.
    In 2004 in Budapest the Azerbaijani officer Safarov axed Armenian
    sleeping officer Gurgen Margaryan, who also was attending the course
    in NATO's "Partnership for Peace" program. For this "mean and cruel
    murder" committed for low-lying motives, the Hungarian court sentenced
    the murderer to life imprisonment without the right to seek pardon for
    30 years.

    Trying to combine the incompatible, the authors of the article
    "" distorted themselves. So in the beginning it says that
    Ramil Safarov was born on August 25, in 1977, and lived with his
    family in Jabrail district until it was occupied by Armenian forces on
    August 23, 1993. The purpose of this is clear - to show that Safarov
    was in the combat zone and it made a lasting impression on him, and
    even had effected on his psyche.

    However, later the same article states that Safarov studied at
    secondary school up to 8th form, and in summer left to study in a
    military boarding school named after Jamshid Nakhijivan in Baku. This
    coincides with the reality; it was in 1991 that Safarov left for Baku
    to study. As a reward for studying well at school, "" says
    that the head staff of the military college directed Safarov to pass a
    military study in Turkey (1992-1996), and later, he was admitted to a
    military academy in Turkey (1996-2000), which he graduated with
    honours. Then Safarov took a one-year practice in Northern Cyprus. It
    was there that he was taught to kill people with various objects.

    The fact that the authors above described with emotion how Safarov
    supposedly lived in Jabrail region right up to August 1993, and the
    horrors that he was through, is refuted in the same article, which
    states that in 1992 he was sent from Baku to Turkey (Safarov moved to
    Baku in 1991). It will be good to bring the citation of ""
    here which said that Safarov, who, however by that time was already in
    Baku allegedly survived.

    “Ramil Safarov has backbone problems, hernia and kidney stones. He was
    fifteen years old (in 1992), when Jabrail district was attacked and
    bombed by the Armenian armed forces, he obtained a strong sleep
    disturbance – he almost did not sleep, he says, his dream was to
    “finally fall asleep, like a dead.” Safarov at the time was under
    constant stress,” the article said.

    Safarov, who at the time of the described events was thousands of
    miles away in Turkey, blatantly lied to the Hungarian court: "During
    the attack of the Armenians I was taken away from our district in an
    ambulance, my mother accompanied me, but I could not even hug her, she
    was all in blood. There were dead bodies in the car, which exported
    me, the bodies had occupied all the available space in the car, and I
    couldn’t squeeze in anywhere. Now, on the bus or train I buy two
    tickets in order to keep the place next to me empty, I am still
    haunted by those corpses that surrounded me.”

    Safarov also stated that while studying at the military studies in
    Turkey, he was referred to the military doctors and those had assigned
    him medical treatment against nervous disorders. It is worth noting
    that this man is one of the best officers of the Azerbaijani army
    (?!). “After the outbreak of hostilities, I lived in constant fear,
    but I never told about it to anyone; I thought that no one will
    understand me,” said Safarov.

    It is noteworthy that Safarov recognizes about his fears towards
    Armenians, he also notes that presence of Armenians strained him at
    once, even before the "confrontations" allegedly began. Thus,
    "" quoted Safarov as saying to psychiatric experts in the
    examination on 25.04.2005, “I realized that I would represent my
    homeland, I tried hard in my study and was disciplined. But a problem
    occurred at once - two officers from Armenia started to attend the
    courses – Gurgen Margaryan and Hayk Mukuchyan. I had no problems with
    any of the students, but presence of the Armenians there stressed me
    at once. After the start of the Armenian aggression in 1988, in order
    to scare the children we used to say, “Look, if you do not obey,
    Armenians will come and will kill you.” In some few days
    confrontations started between us.”

    Safarov describes the “confrontations” in this way, “they laughed
    loudly passing next to us and scolded and abused us in Armenian." In
    Another episode it turns out that during the tour, Gurgen Margaryan
    while getting onto the bus hurt Safarov by his elbow, which the latter
    took as a deliberate insult. Then Safarov describes several episodes
    of "insulting and humiliation" that Margaryan implemented, which,
    however, took place only between him and Margaryan, with no witnesses.

    Further, Safarov said that together with his fellow student from
    Azerbaijan came to the commander, and began to complain about
    Margaryan’s behavior. The commander, probably, realized how delusional
    Safarovs paranoid suspicion sounded and did not pay attention to his
    words. He also noted that if the Azerbaijanis wanted, they could make
    a written complaint. “We did not write a complaint, we thought that it
    would be unworthy of us to leave a written complaint, but I could not
    forget this case," Safarov said.

    In reality, the accuser from Azerbaijan had simply nothing to write,
    and they understood this quite well.

    In addition, one of the best officers of Azerbaijan - Ramil Safarov -
    spoke of his fears of Armenians and psychosis again saying, “I could
    not sleep, I was thinking about the incident all the time, I felt that
    my psychosis started again, just like in childhood. Like in the
    childhood I started to feel horrified from the thought that now
    Armenians will come and kill us. In the morning I could hardly get out
    of bed, and I thought that we should go to the commander, but as the
    first time he did not really listened to us, I changed my mind and
    didn’t go to him again.”

    Safarov then said, tried to start working on a report on Khojalu, but
    could not work, because "psychosis, fears encompassed him”. Then he
    went out and bought an ax, “for self defense”, in the town. “I felt
    bad, I was thinking all the time, why should I be afraid of them, I'm
    a man, I'm a soldier, I have to overcome this fear," said Safarov
    confessing about his complexes with Armenians.

    "I was standing in the shower and hearing different voices, one voice
    said "do not go", and the other said "go." It continued for a long
    time. Then I went out of the room, went up to his door; his room was
    next to mine and he lived with Hungarian cadet Balas Kuti, with whom I
    was in good relations. I stood at his doors for a long time. To enter
    or not? But I entered, turned on the light, from which G. Margaryan
    woke up and wanted to get out of his bed. The voices spoke to me
    again, I was covered with a cold sweat, I shouted and started to beat
    him with an ax. But then Hungarian cadet woke up. I calmed him down,
    saying that I had no problem with him. Then I went out of the room,”
    Ramil Safarov told about his murder.

    Safarov, confessed at the court that he had gone through the unlocked
    door, while in 2012 while pardoning Safarov Azerbaijan, his countrymen
    in various platforms, tried to prove that Margaryan allegedly opened
    the door himself, and after new insults Safarov already hit him with
    an ax. As you can see, the words of Safarov, that "" quotes,
    completely refute the lies by Azerbaijani propaganda.

    By the way, Safarov feared of Margaryan most. As stated in the court
    verdict, Gurgen Margaryan was strong and athletic man, and Safarov
    explained his choice of the weapon saying that he thought after the
    first attack the victim will lose consciousness and will not be able
    to resist again. The agency "" according to the Azerbaijani
    false propaganda wrote as if the protocol of medical experts said: “On
    Gurgen Margaryan’s body sixteen wounds have been found, some of them
    he has received as a result of self-defense...” In reality there is no
    such words written in this document.

    Then brings the words of Safarov who confesses something
    which the Azerbaijani propaganda tries to deny.
    Safarov, after meanly and cowardly murdering Margaryan, tried to find
    the second Armenian officer: "I went out into the hall and shouted
    again; student from Uzbekistan came out on my shout. I asked the Uzbek
    “Where does the second Armenian live? But I do not know why I wanted
    to find him. I banged on several doors with my fist.”

    It is noteworthy that "" cites all three forensic examination
    of Ramil Safarov. "The first test" was held on February 23, in 2004 in
    Russian, and the conclusion was that Safarov was imputative and was
    conscious of the consequences of his action. The first testing also
    concluded that Safarov has low intellectual level and does not meet
    the level of a high school graduate, said "", trying to
    explain it by the poor knowledge of Russian of the murderer.

    The second forensic examination carried out by the insistence of
    Safarov’s defenders, on April 25, in 2005 with the participation of
    Turkish language translator which Safarov knew well, came to the
    conclusion that Safarov was reasonable at the moment of committing the
    crime, but was subjected to average post-traumatic stress, and
    Safarov’s ability to realize the consequences of his actions was
    limited in average level.

    Then the judge, faced with a variety of psychological assessments of
    experts, appointed the third examination. Third examination which was
    held on December 6, in 2005, also with the help of translator from
    Turkish language, on which Safarov answered to the questions of the
    experts, came to a conclusion: Safarov was under the influence of
    strong post-traumatic stress, he was conscious, but he could not
    completely control his actions; the intellectual level of Safarov is
    satisfactory and meets his position and education.

    However, perhaps, taking into consideration the fact that at the time
    of the first test the Azerbaijani side had no time to "work over"
    Safarov and tell him what to say and what not to, the judge upheld the
    conclusions of the experts who conducted the first test of that,
    "Safarov was sane and aware of the consequences of his act."

    The Hungarian court accused Safarov of “an exceptionally brutal and
    pre-planned, carefully prepared murder committed with particular
    cruelty with mean and low-lying motives, as well as in the attempted
    murder of the second person, and thus sentenced the murderer to life
    imprisonment, without the right to file petitions for 30 years.

    On August 31, in 2012 extradition of Ramil Safarov to Azerbaijan and
    his pardoning by the decree of the President of the Azerbaijani
    Republic, Ilham Aliyev became known all over the world. In Azerbaijan
    pardoned murderer Ramil Safarov was greeted as a hero, he was given an
    apartment and he received officer's salary for eight years which he
    spent in prison.
    Furthermore, the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan awarded Safarov
    with a special title of Major, wishing him "every success."

    In connection with the extradition of Safarov to Azerbaijan, Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan announced termination of diplomatic relations
    with Hungary. Safarov Extradition, pardoning and glorification in
    Azerbaijan was condemned by the U.S. President Barack Obama, the U.S.
    Department of State, Foreign Ministries of Russia and France,
    Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Secretary General of the
    CSTO, NATO, European Parliament and international human rights

