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Call to Int'l Community to Respect the Armenian Constitution and Peo

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  • Call to Int'l Community to Respect the Armenian Constitution and Peo

    Call to International Community to Respect the Armenian Constitution and People
    15:54, March 4, 2013

    Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, leaders of states, diplomats, and
    representatives of international organizations,

    The February 18, 2013 presidential elections held in Republic of
    Armenia unarguably showed the public distrust toward the authorities.

    The elections were accompanied by gross violations - abuse of
    administrative resources, election bribe, threats, ballot box
    stuffing, voting instead of absentees, and falsification of voting
    results - which are documented widely, including through video
    materials posted online.

    On February 28, 2013, Amnesty International expressed their concern
    about the facts of violence against reporters, observers, and other
    individuals and demanded that cases of violation of human rights and
    electoral rights be investigated thoroughly.

    The widespread violations have significantly affected the election
    results, which is reflected in the analyses by different organizations
    as well as the 3rd interim report on the Armenian Presidential
    Elections published by OSCE/ODIHR observation mission published on
    March 2, 2013.

    Post-election mass protests and actions of civil disobedience
    throughout the entire country also serve to demonstrate that the
    Armenian citizens do not believe in the legitimacy of the past
    elections and do not wish to tolerate the government formed which came
    to power through election fraud.

    We would also like to note that, according to the RA Constitution,
    elections culminate with the release of a decree by the Constitutional
    Court, and if there is no application to the Constitutional Court,
    then with the completion of the deadline to apply to the Court.
    Moreover, the RA Constitutional Court has the authority to find the
    election results invalid, to recognize a candidate not elected to find
    the elections failed or to decide to hold a second round of elections.

    Congratulating any of the candidates before the completion of the
    terms set for the RA Constitutional Court is unclear and unjustified
    to us, especially when it is done in case of a candidate, who has
    re-usurped the power through election fraud, and when it involves
    leaders of states considered to be democratic and representatives from
    organizations, which are promoting democratic values, which are
    apparently politically motivated and apply double standards.

    We consider such a behavior that contradicts the Constitution of the
    Republic of Armenia and its national interests, to be a blow to the
    attempts on the citizens of the Republic of Armenia to build a
    democratic state. this practice of rapidly congratulating dictators,
    who have "won" disputable elections is unacceptable because it can
    again lead to the dramatic events which followed the 2008 presidential
    Elections in Armenia.

    We, the Citizens of the Republic of Armenia demand that you observe
    the principles of international law and follow the RA Constitution and
    laws in relations with our state. We also urge you not to hinder the
    pursuit of the RA citizens for building a democratic state by
    legitimizing the falsified 2013 presidential Elections for the sake of
    short-term regional interests.

    Citizens of the Republic of Armenia
    March 4, 2013

    In present the petition is joined by over 470 citizens. It is
    available online and is open for signatures.
