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Edward Nalbandian: The `football diplomacy' was a wise initiative

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  • Edward Nalbandian: The `football diplomacy' was a wise initiative

    Edward Nalbandian: The `football diplomacy' was a wise initiative
    15:26 04.03.2013

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan's initiative to normalize relations
    with Turkey was a `very wise and correct' decision, Armenian Foreign
    Minister Edward Nalabndian said in an interview with Public TV.

    `As a result, the whole world is saying that the ball is now in the
    Turkish court. Now we must try not to allow that ball appear on or
    part of the court with incautious steps. Today the whole world
    supports Armenia's approach, i.e. normalization of relations with
    Turkey without preconditions,' Nalbandian said.

    `If a country threatens to use force, the diplomacy of that country
    has failed,' Edward Nalbandian said.

    `We know who is threatening to apply force, Today our position goes in
    line with that of the international community. I would say more - the
    position of the international community goes in line with that of
    ours. These are not simple words. Evidences of this are the statements
    of the Presidents of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries issued
    in l'Aquilla, Deauville and Los Cabos, the statements on Nagorno
    Karabakh adopted on the sidelines of the OSCE Summit in Astana, the
    Ministerial meetings in Helsinki, Athens, Almati, Vilnius and Dublin.
    This is the reality,' the Foreign Minister said.

    Speaking about Armenia's diplomatic priorities, Minister Nalbandian
    said the efforts are first of all targeted at the reinforcement of the
    security component, the increase of the number of our friends in the
    world, active involvement of our country in different international
    processes, the development, deepening and reinforcement of our
    relations with our partner Russia, development of friendly relations
    with the United states, European integration, deepening of ties with
    EU member states.

    Minister Nalbandioan said that the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict is the most pivotal issue of the Armenian diplomacy.
    He added that the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide
    is also of special importance.
