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Serzh Sargsyan's Three Nos In Moscow

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  • Serzh Sargsyan's Three Nos In Moscow


    15:22 05/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Congratulations on the official result of the presidential election
    coming from foreign countries in such abundance are explained by the
    Armenian public as a sign of the wish of all the great powers to have
    a weak, illegitimate president which is why they rush to congratulate
    Serzh Sargsyan who is believed by the greater part of the society to
    have been reelected through rigged elections.

    The confidence or at least the doubts about fraudulence of elections
    are grounded. At the same time, it is clear that a government
    lacking domestic legitimacy that seeks for legitimacy abroad is
    more controllable, so the geopolitical centers will try to use this
    circumstance in their relations with Armenia.

    In the current period, foreign congratulations have more significant
    reasons. Economically, socially and especially politically Armenia
    is in such a situation when the effect or viability of domestic
    legitimacy need not be overestimated in the relations with the world
    neither in a short-term nor a medium-term perspective. It does not
    mean not to attach any importance to this circumstance. Simply there
    is no need to overestimate. I repeat at least in a short-term or a
    medium-term perspective.

    The geopolitical centers have so many levers of influence on the
    Armenian government that they may ignore domestic legitimacy.

    Moreover, in regard to controllability, it would be more influential
    to hang the congratulation in the air rather than to send it in
    advance. Moreover, advance is risky insofar as the interests of the
    West and Russia are opposed.

    The abundance of congratulations is explained by this rivalry. Now the
    congratulations ensure "uncontrollability", not controllability of
    Serzh Sargsyan. In other words, an attempt is made to give Sargsyan
    and his administration a status of legitimacy to leave him less

    The impression that Russia refrained from the presidential election
    was only a superficial impression. The process of the presidential
    election in Armenia overlapped with several interesting visits. CSTO
    Secretary General Borduzha and the Russian minister of defense Shoygu
    visited Armenia. Then, at the end of the campaign, the chief of
    general staff of the Russian armed forces visited Armenia. Over this
    period the Russian military base 102 held a vibrant mountain exercise
    involving tanks and reconnaissance. On March 1 General Shamanov,
    commander of airborne landing troops, stated at the meeting of the
    Russian ministry of defense that the Russian airborne landing troops
    will be ready to be used for more effective crisis handling in CSTO
    states. Shamanov mentioned Armenia, Tajikistan and Kirgizstan.

    The picture will be complete on March 12. Serzh Sargsyan's visit to
    Moscow with a tight schedule is planned on that day, and the head
    of the CIS Institute Constantine Zatulin has stated than the visit
    will not be that of a protocol. Obviously, Moscow has launched a
    psychological offensive on Serzh Sargsyan ahead of his visit.

    In Moscow Serzh Sargsyan will have to say no to Putin several times:
    Customs Union, Eurasian Union, the airport of Stepanakert. The Russian
    military activity during the presidential campaign and after it prompts
    that Russia is planning a military blitzkrieg to prevent or compensate
    for the political and technological retreat. The Armenian-Azerbaijani
    front and the airport of Stepanakert may have a core role in this plan.

    The airport could be used as a bait to cause escalation upon the
    first flight from this airport. It is possible that the first flight
    with Serzh Sargsyan on board will be spared as an advance of honor
    in return for agreement. Will Serzh Sargsyan resist the temptation
    of the flight of honor? He announced last year to fly on May 9.

    Ostensibly, last year Serzh Sargsyan thought it would be an eagle's
    flight. Now he is convinced that Russia will not allow anyone fly
    and feel like an eagle in the region. A price will have to be paid
    for that. However, not Serzh Sargsyan but Armenia and Artsakh will
    have to pay this price. De facto, Armenia and Artsakh will become
    the arsenal of the Russian army.

    The West congratulates Serzh Sargsyan to keep him from temptation and
    help him say three important nos. Certainly, the West does not want
    to save Armenia and Artsakh from the destiny of arsenal of Russian
    imperialism but to prevent its geopolitical defeat in the region.

    The point of view that the West may help democratic forces
    come to government in Armenia and thus prevent its geopolitical
    defeat fundamentally is hypothetically a more rational proposal of
    partnership from sovereign Armenia to the West considering the common
    interests. However, the scope of democratic forces in Armenia is quite
    uncertain, so are their political priorities and approaches. Besides,
    the current military, political and economic situation is such that
    the West will be able to change government in Armenia only with the
    agreement of Russia or at least if the latter refrains. Otherwise, the
    probability of a clash will grow, which means that Russian dominance
    will grow.

    The West was unable to achieve a solution in Armenia, which is not
    a surprise because in this state of balancing the Armenian society
    must achieve a solution first. The problem is that the society as such
    does not exist. So, in order to find a solution the society needs to
    integrate its different component into a whole body.
