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Color Coding: "Orange" Or "Rose" Or "Apricot", "Barevolution" Is Re-

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  • Color Coding: "Orange" Or "Rose" Or "Apricot", "Barevolution" Is Re-


    VOTE 2013 | 05.03.13 | 15:22


    ArmeniaNow reporter

    Following "Orange" (Ukraine) and "Rose" (Georgia) revolutions of the
    past decade, now the post-February-18 movement called by its leader
    the "Barevolution" is viewed by some in the country as Armenia's
    orange-ish, apricot-ish revolution.

    Ruben Hakobyan, head of the Heritage party faction, says Armenia is
    going through an electoral revolution and does not want to call it

    "It is an electoral revolution in Armenia; let anyone refer any color
    to it they want," he says.

    Nonetheless, participants of the rallies today and students boycotting
    their classes, who have joined the post-election movement, have
    orange ribbons tied around their arms. Along with the apricot-color
    barevolution - revolution of greetings - the oppositional movement
    under Raffi Hovannisian's leadership has introduced new political
    technologies into the political field of Armenia. His "sidewalk"
    campaign was followed by post-election visits to the provinces,
    open-air press conferences, and speeches of young civil activists -
    elements of public involvement not seen in previous Armenian campaigns.

    Armen Badalyan, expert in political and election technologies, however,
    discards the application of such political tools as pointless, if a
    political process is missing.

    Comparing the opposition under first president of Armenia and leader
    of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) Levon Ter-Petrosyan five years
    ago to today's movement, Badalyan told ArmeniaNow: "The difference
    is not between the tools, but rather the content of the struggle. In
    2008, too, there were people who wore orange ties;. Now it's not ties,
    but arm-ribbons, does it change anything? The thing is that in 2008
    it was quite clear what Ter-Petrosyan wanted, whereas it is not clear
    today what Raffi wants."

    Heritage member David Sanasaryan says in movements such as this both
    the appearance and the content are important, however he does not
    relate those symbols to either the orange revolution or the revolution
    of roses, and believes that "barevolution" is a good name, especially
    popular among the youth.

    What stands out as one of the main differences is that Hovannisian
    never uses any insults directed against president Serzh Sargsyan,
    as opposed to Ter-Petrosyan's speeches in 2008 flooded with sharp
    criticism, accusations, and offensive language against the authorities.

    "In no way does this mean concession or humility. He [Hovannisian]
    says 'you have lost and must admit your defeat'. It is a new culture
    to us. And Raffi's 'barev' has been a more important sociological
    survey than all the other types," Sanasaryan told ArmeniaNow.

    If during the public rallies five years ago Ter-Petrosyan was
    separating Karabakhis [native of Nagorno Karabakh], and kept pointing
    out his roots being from Musa Ler (historical site of Armenian
    resistance during the 1915 genocide; he was born in Aleppo), this
    opposition is trying to erase that distinction, making a point that
    an Armenian is an Armenian no matter where s/he was born.

    Last week during a rally, ANC faction member Nikol Pashinyan said in
    reference to the recent incidents at Yerevan State University when
    assistant to the rector Gevorg Melkonyan called troops from Akhalkalaki
    (Georgian-Armenian students of Samtskhe-Javakheti) to help deal with
    the protesting students who had joined the civil movement: "We will not
    allow to put a distinction between Artsakhtsis [same as Karabakhtsi]
    and Hayastantsis [native of Armenia], or Akhalkalaktsis [historical
    Armenian city, now part of Georgia], or Ijevantsis [city in Armenia]. I
    am Yerevantsi as much as I am Karabakhtsi or Akhalkalaktsi. Our people
    has never fought one against another, our struggle is against violence,
    illegality and lawlessness, against anarchy. Hence, this is a struggle
    for the sake of the unity of the Armenian nation."

    During the same rally, popular song-writer Ruben Hakhverdyan said
    something he was later sharply criticized for: "What is this, why
    should someone from a remote Azeri province come and lead us?",
    the reference being that president Sargsyan is native of Karabakh,
    formerly part of Soviet Azerbaijan. The social networks and media
    exploded with outrage on how an artist who has joined this movement
    could have said something like that.

    Sanasaryan says: "Raffi is guiding the movement... they are simply
    looking for a blunder to immediately strike a blow against him."

    Badalyan is convinced that the current post-election movement is no
    threat to the official outcome. According to him --- no matter what
    name is given to subsequent events -- the event titled "presidential
    elections" is over and settled.

    Sanasaryan counters that: "The pulse of the movement is beating
    steady. Raffi does not want to take the road of confrontation,
    but I believe that if all the means are exhausted, blocked by the
    authorities, there will be a confrontation. Our citizens cannot
    tolerate the fact that their votes have been pocketed. The authorities
    are not too happy with this method of struggle - an atmosphere of
    love and warm greetings --- when more and more people keep joining
    us. As soon as the authorities feel they are losing, they will resort
    to a clash."
