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It Is Not Only Social

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  • It Is Not Only Social


    March 5 2013

    The government and the opposition, along with their supporters,
    interpret the results of the election, given the purposes of their
    propaganda. The opposition focuses on manifold and multifold flaws,
    which, certainly, took place during this election, although the
    same opposition hasn't put enough effort to legally define those
    unlawful actions. And the government, on the other hand, says: "Well,
    there are many social problems, there are also many discontents;
    it ought to be so." Moreover, both sides "throw into action" their
    inexperienced representatives from time to time, as a result of
    which some misunderstandings arise. However, there is no serious,
    thorough analysis of the current situation, since in our country,
    what is called "political science" or "sociology" is actually
    "attached" to this or that political force. By the way, as well
    as the majority of the mass media. However, there are specialists
    somewhere who don't root for anyone. I for one would be interested
    to listen to their rational, unemotional - without love or hate -
    explanations. And the most important issue that concerns me is whether
    the problem is only social in the narrow sense of the word, related
    to people's income and standard of living or not. Let's take the town
    of Kajaran, for example. The level of unemployment is not high there;
    people work at the plant, get their salaries, which many people even
    in Yerevan would dream of. Why are people dissatisfied then? Now, here
    is where one needs a sober analysis that employs social sciences and
    not a barrage of curses or praises. I can only make a rough estimate
    without scientific generalizations. My impression is that people
    don't tolerate anymore and will tolerate less from now on when their
    dignity is infringed. When, say, the same governor of Syunik behaves
    arrogantly for years - one can say for decades - allows himself to
    terrify, humiliate, and ignore people, the anger grows among citizens
    and it finds its best, most restrained and civilized expression at the
    ballot boxes. When such officials are not dismissed for years this
    anger naturally spreads to those people who keep the given person
    in office. A concrete example from our reality. A resident of Sisian
    who had attended Bagratyan's rally expressed his "innermost" feelings
    for the same governor to Aravot's camera. The next day that citizen
    was forced to apologize for his "slip of the tongue" on the "official
    channel" and state that the journalist had gotten him drunk. You think
    it is easy for that person, his family, and his friends to undergo that
    kind of humiliation. Therefore, the problem is not only social. I hope
    that this modest observation of mine will be confirmed by specialists,
    and the powers that be will take it into account. ARAM ABRAHAMYAN

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