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Which Of The Ministry-Village Circles Is To Blame

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  • Which Of The Ministry-Village Circles Is To Blame

    Tuesday, 05 March 2013 18:30

    In 2008 when new programmes of agricultural development were worked
    out, after certain examinations of the sphere the government came
    to the conclusion that farmers needed professional consultation and
    in answer to the local people's demands the institute of regional
    agronomists was created. Yet, no agricultural changes have been
    performed in the villages for the past years. During his March 1
    conference with the agronomists of the Republic the minister of
    agriculture focused on this problem.

    According to minister Andranik Khachatryan the state policy that
    is worked out does not reach the villagers and it is partly the
    agronomists' fault. According to him sometimes they are themselves
    suspicious of the suggested programmes and procedures and by the data
    they have from the villages most agronomists just get a salary and
    do nothing.

    The fact that the agronomist's work hardly changed anything in the
    rural communities is obvious, that state agricultural programmes do
    not always reach the landowners is not also disputable. The question
    which circle of the agriculture ministry - village connection is to
    blame is a matter of serious analysis. And perhaps this is not only the
    fault of one of the mentioned circles. There are both subjective and
    objective problems, such as the level of some specialists' knowledge
    or the devotion to work or merely technical problems.

    What must be done to change the situation? The minister of agriculture
    suggested developing some mechanisms to control the agronomists'
    work and demanding accounts. It turned out that in the regional
    administrations they have already taken this measure, the agronomists'
    tasks are worked out and discussed collectively.

    The average index of crop yield shows that this documentation does
    not always help to increase the quality of work. It turns out that
    not only the villager is displeased with the agronomist's work but in
    many cases the agronomist is also dissatisfied with the villagers. The
    landowner decides himself what to do and in what way, the agronomist
    has no power over the landowner or the machine operator to make
    them work in the right way. There is no policy for considering the
    specialists' opinion in rendering state assistance to the landowner
    and naturally no mechanism for the agronomists to carry responsibility
    for the efficiency of the agricultural work though in his speech
    minister Andranik Khachatryan mentioned something like that. There
    is no mechanism to specify the landowner-agronomist relations which
    contradict the obligatory terms of agricultural work. It appears that
    the villager consults with the agronomist only in case of disasters
    to draw up a statement of the damage or the agronomist visits the
    fields only to fill in the account or limits his duties to a call to
    the villager or the community head. The government continues spending
    money without any result. By the way, regional agronomists are paid a
    salary of 75 000 drams when the heads of the agricultural departments
    of regional administrations get 100 000 drams.
