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Victor Shnirelman: Why To Attribute The Dominant Views In Azerbaijan

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  • Victor Shnirelman: Why To Attribute The Dominant Views In Azerbaijan


    16:55 06/03/2013 Â" REGION

    Chief scientific researcher in the Institute of Ethnology and
    Anthropology in the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical
    Sciences Victor Shnirelman responded to the publications of Azerbaijani
    authors, who had earlier criticized his book The Wars of Memory: Myths,
    Identity and Politics in the South Caucasus (Moscow, 2003). Ð~XÐ~P
    REGNUM publishes the article by Victor Shnirelman with his consent.

    In February 2009 the administration of the National Academy of
    Sciences of Azerbaijan (NASA) together with the directors of a
    number of academic institutions convened a session devoted to my
    book Wars of Memory. It is hard not to notice that NASA needed
    about six years to get familiarized with the book and to hold its
    discussion. At the same time the task of giving it a "worthy rebuff"
    was assigned to philosopher Zumrud Kulizade: apparently no historians
    knowledgeable in the subject under discussion were left in Azerbaijan;
    or maybe they were not qualified enough for such a responsible task
    (or rather it is more simple than that - the historians understand
    quite well what my book is talking about). For that reason they chose
    an elderly woman with life wisdom who (unlike of course my naïve self)
    knows well about the "politicization of the historical science" and
    "the manipulation of public opinion by historiographers". Apparently
    the choice of the academic authorities was influenced by the fact
    that having possessed such sacral knowledge, this chosen candidate
    had refrained from discussing this question both in Soviet times,
    when it could have had serious consequences, and in post-Soviet times,
    when it became possible.

    It is noteworthy that in her extensive critical essay the philosopher
    carefully bypasses the question of politicization of the historical
    science in Azerbaijan. Apparently Azerbaijan is the only state that
    serves as a unique example of devotion to authentic science and the
    lack of "manipulation of the public opinion"; apparently this is the
    only state in which there is no "reanimation of memory concerning
    historical offenses and wars", which allows the philosopher to
    furiously attack the "foreigner" who dared to doubt this. The
    dear critic does not dispute my statement on that the ideology of
    ethno-political conflicts can't but appeal to the past. However, her
    "philosophical erudition" does not allow her to conclude that it is
    exactly for this reason that the analysis of this kind of conflicts
    cannot ignore the images of the past created by local intellectuals.

    Moreover, she does her best to present the attempt of a scientific
    analysis of the conflict as its "inflation". Aren't the ethno-political
    conflicts normally so protracted because of the fact that the local
    intellectuals refuse point blank to make a deep and comprehensive
    analysis of these conflicts? Instead of making an effort to figure
    out the problem of the "social memory", the philosopher, quite in line
    with the Soviet style, distorts my words and ideas in the most absurd
    manner and ascribes to me those which I have never shared. Indeed,
    it turns out to be much easier to refute these ideas since the
    philosopher refuses to actually polemicize the main ideas that make
    up the core of my book; here is where the Soviet training comes to
    help - to speak without saying anything essential.

    Like many other critics the Azerbaijani philosopher accuses me of
    an "incorrect interpretation of the history of Azerbaijan". But in
    my books devoted to the "historical memory" there isn't and there
    couldn't be any claim of writing the history of the Caucasian nations
    and their culture. The question under discussion is the images of the
    past constructed by various intellectuals in this or that historical
    period as well as the link between these images and the ethno-political
    context, including the Soviet national politics.

    However, the philosopher, who mentions the names of such renowned
    authorities as Halbwachs and Werth did not understand this: apparently
    she knows the works of these authors only by name. It looks like she
    hasn't bothered to read my book either; after all, even the titles
    of separate chapters of my book are not correctly quoted in her review.

    Where and when did I insist that the history of the Caucasus is that
    of endless wars and genocides? Where did I write about "the nations
    of the given region being psychologically encoded for mutual hatred"
    or about the perpetuity of ethnic wars on the Caucasus? Where did I
    claim that the "Azerbaijani Turks must be subjected to genocide"? How
    exactly is my "negative attitude towards Islam" manifested? And where
    do I "present to the reader the past and the present of Azerbaijan
    and the Azerbaijanis as a historical nuisance" (unfortunately the
    philosopher stays ignorant of the contemporary research on ethnicity;
    she is hopelessly confused in the understanding of primordial and
    constructivist approaches)? All these are but baseless assertions of
    the philosopher who has done everything to avoid discussing the most
    important and key problems that are raised in my book. In particular
    I would like to ask her why during the 20th century the Azerbaijani
    scholars changed the image of their ancestors for five times. This
    question is discussed in detail in the book, but the philosopher
    considers this issue unworthy of her attention; she simply does not
    notice it.

    Instead, she devotes the bulk of her review to groundlessly accusing
    me in "unprofessionalism" and in "falsifications". It remains quite
    unclear what the massive quotes from medieval authors, which she
    quotes without commenting, have to do with my book (by the way it
    looks like the philosopher is not aware of such science as Source
    Studies and the problem of the critique of written sources remains
    a grave mystery for her). After all they do not throw any light
    whatsoever upon the questions which I dedicated my book to. I would
    also like to know who among the multiple medieval authors quoted by
    the philosopher called himself an "Azerbaijani". And why, speaking
    of "historical compositions... published in Russian and Azerbaijani
    languages in the 30s and in the subsequent years of the 20th century"
    the author refers solely to the works written at the beginning of
    the 20s? It looks as if this kind of "imprecision" is typical to the
    philosopher's knowledge of history in general. That is why in her
    understanding the Oghuzes lived either at the turn of our era or "many
    thousand years ago". She is apparently not concerned with the problem
    of strict chronology that lies at the basis of the historical science.

    Doesn't this disorient the same audience which my dear critic is so
    concerned about?

    Kulizade does her best to defend her colleagues trying to shield them
    from any kind of criticism. I assume she might be somewhat ignorant
    in this regard. For that reason I bring it to her attention that Z. M.

    Bunyadov and his followers, while editing the works of the medieval
    authors (which she so persistently recommends me to read!) were
    systematically engaged in falsifying them, either omitting the term
    Armenians from those sources or replacing it with the term Albanians.

    Moreover, Bunyadov was caught also in plagiarism when he presented
    the translation of two articles written by Western scholars George
    Doucette and Robert Hewsen as his own works.

    By the way, in 2006 F. Mamedova spoke about the passions that
    "patriotism" and the struggle against the Armenian historical presence
    in the Caucasus aroused in the modern Azerbaijani science. Unlike
    forgetful Kulizade, she also recalled the pressure which in Soviet
    times Heidar Aliyev was exercising on the historians.

    Neither did the harsh critic address the scientific content of the
    concept of "historical myth" or the essence of the contemporary
    myth-making based on scientific technologies. While in doing this it
    could have been useful for her to get familiarized not only with the
    works by Halbwachs and Werth that she mentioned but also with the
    works by contemporary authors that she did not mention, such as E.

    Cassirer, Anthony Smith, P. Nora, P. Bourdieu and many others who
    have studied "social memory", "nationalistic myth-making", "symbolic
    politics" (if only she would read these authors rather than borrow
    their names from the works of her better-informed colleagues). I am
    not at all talking about the "ignorance" of local authors (an opinion
    attributed to me by the philosopher) - the problem is in the political
    order which, with strict consistency, was and is still exercised
    on the historians (it is another question that some might embrace
    this, others might oppose, but the latter are incomparably less in
    number than the former). One could assume that the philosopher who
    had long ago realized in depth the factor of the "politicization of
    historical science" was supposed to draw her attention to it. But no,
    she categorically refuses to see it. Instead, she is persuading me
    to study the ethnogenesis of the Russian or Jewish people (at the
    same time she does not come up with anything better than to line up
    with the Soviet anti-Zionist propaganda, while resenting the Soviet
    anti-Turkic propaganda which is no less "well-grounded"). Furthermore,
    she is surprised that I am not doing this in a book on the Caucasus.

    One would wish to hope that not all the Azerbaijani philosophers
    follow this strange logic.

    The philosopher, who accuses me of not paying attention to mythologized
    plots found today in Russian science, should have got better acquainted
    with the works of the author whom she so arduously criticizes. This,
    as well as a thorough study of the works on "social memory" (together
    with contemporary research on the problems of ethnicity) would have
    saved her from unfortunate blunders and fabrications. Without this the
    reasoning of the philosopher, who keeps turning to one and the same
    indiscriminate accusations, sounds more like a shamanistic ritual
    than a scientific polemic. She seems to be thinking that an endless
    repetition of one and the same groundless slanders could make a better
    effect on the reader than serious scientific arguments.

    The original usage of the term "Azerbaijani" by the philosopher is
    also noteworthy - according to her the Persian Empire, the Tsarist
    Russia and the USSR were all "Azerbaijani". In this she hasn't gone
    far from her compatriots who call the Palaeolithic man, whose remains
    were found in the Azykh (Azokh) cave, an "ancient Azerbaijani".

    Indeed, she seems to be sure in that Turkic people have lived
    on the territory of Azerbaijan always! Misleading the reader the
    philosopher also asserts that "the states of Manna, Medes, Atropatena
    and Albania...

    are recognized... by the world science... as Azerbaijani states". Why
    attribute the dominant views in Azerbaijan to the "world science"? One
    shouldn't be so explicitly engaged in falsifications, while at the
    same time reproaching others for that. She ascribes to me the tendency
    to "'each time insert new meaning into the concepts of 'Azerbaijani
    nation' and 'Azerbaijani'", while she herself is doing exactly that,
    following the long-established tradition in the Azerbaijani science.

    As for the term "Northern Azerbaijan", this name is accepted only
    in the motherland of the philosopher, who acknowledges that even in
    early medieval times, let alone earlier antiquity, Caucasian Albania
    was located here; there was no Azerbaijan here in those times. The
    reasoning of the philosopher about ancient linguistic situation is
    also characterised by the lack of professionalism: she is unaware of
    the fact that the North Caucasian language family included a great
    number of different languages and this did not at all presuppose
    any ethno-cultural unity, which could not in fact have existed in
    that antiquity. That is why, contrary to the philosopher, there is
    no need to speak about "one and the same languages of the population
    of the North and the South". The science today is simply incapable
    of determining who had lived in this region before the so-called
    "North Caucasians"; there is no data about that. As for these "North
    Caucasians", they were not and could have never been "Azerbaijanis"
    - this is exactly how the "modern science" approaches this question;
    however in Azerbaijan (for quite understandable political reasons)
    they prefer to hold a different opinion.

    It is of course hard for the philosopher to assess the dispersion
    of opinions held by historians. However, it is worth noting that
    the historians themselves know it very well whose opinions are
    trustworthy and who is not be trusted. That is why the references
    by the philosopher on that "there are also other opinions" do not
    prove much.

    The ideas of pan-Turkism in their turn interest only the marginals;
    authoritative historians are not encouraged by these ideas.

    Finally, the author, supposedly having profoundly understood the
    "universal patterns and peculiarities of ethnic, ethno-linguistic and
    ethno-cultural processes" seriously assures us in that ethno-political
    conflicts constitute a "universal pattern of the social-cultural
    development of the post-Soviet region". By whom, when and where was
    this "pattern" established? Maybe it was done by the philosophy which
    the author pursues? But doesn't this kind of "philosophy" constitute
    an "incitement of animosity"? And the count of which of the warring
    parties destroyed greater number of villages in 1905 is hardly an
    evidence of author's care for "peace" but for rather determining
    who exactly should be presented as an "aggressor". At the same time,
    accusing me of the tendency to "substantiate the inevitability of both
    contemporary and future ethnic conflicts in the region" the author
    simply passes the buck by attributing her own "logic" to me. The
    author also reproaches me in that I allegedly "give the reader no
    chance to think for himself and make his own conclusions". Why is
    that? Wasn't she the one who started "thinking for herself" and came
    up with "her own conclusions" (if of course her colleagues didn't
    do this for her)? It is true though that these conclusions proved
    to be quite weird, if not to say anything else. One would like to
    hope that the reader, who, unlike my harsh critic, will read my book
    attentively and entirely and will have his own considerations, will
    come up with other conclusions. And I do know such readers.

    In fact the opus by Z. Kulizade is much more decent than the lampoon
    by A. Alekperov, who did all he could to dehumanize and to present
    his neighbors-Armenians in a negative light by means of spreading the
    dirtiest gossips, monstrous rumors and clearly falsified data. It is
    true though that unlike Kulizade, he bothered to familiarize himself
    with my analysis of Armenian ethno-genetic myths, but he did that
    only for the sake of blaming the Armenians in "fraud". However he
    sees no fraud in the works of his compatriots; neither does he want
    to recognize the common ethno-centric direction of ethno-genetic
    constructions in the works of most diverse national schools of
    historians of the Caucasus to which I devoted two of my books.

    And this is the same Alekperov who in 1992 in his PhD dissertation
    was supporting a ridiculous thesis, not accepted by anyone, on
    that the early medieval "sakaliba" and "sklavens" were supposedly
    "Turks-Bulgarians" and were not related to the Slavic people. As
    for the "Saka-Scythian confederation" (where did he find this?),
    he peremptorily characterizes it as Turkic speaking.

    Kulizade supposes that my work was an "order". Some Ossetian authors
    also wrote the same thing about another book written by me, but they
    went even further having hinted at a big payment. It would be good
    for all these experts to point to this sponsor more precisely and to
    inform me where, how and from whom I could receive this "payment".

    However, while Kulizade was working on her opus, her compatriots F.

    Alekperli and S. Muradaliev demonstrated with their polemic that,
    notwithstanding the assertions of the dear philosopher, the local
    intelligentsia had no clear notion about the Azerbaijani identity in
    2009 (when the famous session of NASA was convened!) either - some
    called themselves "Azerbaijanis", others "Turks". At the same time the
    former acknowledged the compound composition of the Azerbaijani nation
    while the latter chose the Turks as their ancestors. In other words,
    the process of choosing the ancestors, which I analyzed, continues
    up to the present day and it still keeps on dividing the nation. But
    a "foreigner" is not supposed to know about this and is forbidden
    from discussing this issue. One can only hope that this knot will be
    successfully untangled by wise Kulizade.

    In the meantime, the authorities of Azerbaijan explicitly demonstrate
    exactly that what Kulizade tried so hard to disprove. Thus, on 14 Dec.

    2005 in his speech delivered on the occasion of the 60th anniversary
    of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan President Ilham
    Aliyev called for the Azerbaijani scientists to get involved in the
    program which aimed to prove to the international community that
    the Karabakh Armenians have no historical title to the territory of
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Aliyev promised to subsidize the united efforts
    of Azerbaijani specialists in developing and promoting his thesis
    on that "the Armenians came to Nagorno-Karabakh, an integral part
    of Azerbaijan, as guests" and thus "they have absolutely no right to
    claim that Nagorno-Karabakh belonged to them in the past".

    The scientists were apparently enthusiastic about this appeal and
    responded to the president with new impressive "findings". For
    that reason on 14 Oct. 2010 he already confidently declared that
    "present-day Armenia, the territory named on the map as the Republic
    of Armenia, is a native Azerbaijani land. This is the truth. Of
    course Zangezur and Yerevan khanate are our lands! ... Our children
    must know all this; they must know that today's Armenia is located
    on native Azerbaijani lands".

    For making this indigenousness look more convincing all the
    traces of Armenian culture have been being systematically erased
    from Azerbaijan. This refers especially to Nakhichevan. From 2003
    to 2006 the medieval cemetery of Old Jugha (Azeri Julfa), including
    its unique khachkars, was completely destroyed there. On the North of
    Azerbaijan they have also destroyed the Avarian cemeteries; as for the
    Lezgian cemeteries, they have changed the names of the deceased on the
    tombstones adding Turkic suffixes to them. They have also removed the
    monuments to prominent Avarian historical figures there (among them
    the one to Imam Shamil in 2000) and replaced them with monuments to N.

    Narimanov and Heydar Aliyev.

    In other words, what I wrote about ten years ago has its continuation
    today and there seems to be no end to it. But NASA is not worried
    about all this! Instead, they are always ready to fight back the
    foreign "slanderer" - it is safer this way.

