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The Longest Way Around...: Movement Formed On Post-Election Protests

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  • The Longest Way Around...: Movement Formed On Post-Election Protests


    VOTE 2013 | 06.03.13 | 15:24


    By NAIRA HAYRUMYAN ArmeniaNow correspondent

    The protest movement that has emerged in Armenia after the February 18
    presidential election has proclaimed its next target. Representative of
    the Armenian Revolutionary Federation's Supreme Body Armen Rustamyan
    told the March 5 rally in Yerevan that his party along with the
    Heritage party of Raffi Hovannisian is going to nominate candidates for
    the May local elections in Yerevan in order to take power "from below".

    Hovannisian, too, stated that they were ready to take power in Yerevan,
    a city that is home to almost half of Armenia's population.

    Hovannisian and his supporters have been accused by many of lacking
    determination and a clear action plan. But apparently there is
    a concrete program now, and the opposition is now going to seek
    a majority of seats in municipal bodies. Local government bodies
    have been seen as the ruling Republican Party's support base. The
    opposition has long claimed that it is municipalities that are being
    used by the ruling party for election rigging.

    March 5 also brought another piece of important news regarding the
    likely future course of events. Parliament Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan
    said Hovannisian had been asked to head a commission on constitutional
    reform. Apparently, the Republican Party does not rule out the proposed
    transition to a proportional system of elections and a parliamentary
    form of government. It is not excluded that the Republican Party will
    join this initiative made by several opposition parties last year.

    These proposals were heard before the parliamentary elections in
    2012 and the presidential election in 2013, however, the ruling party
    rejected them, saying that while it was not against such an approach
    in principle, it was still early to discuss it. What representatives
    of the majority meant was that they wanted President Serzh Sargsyan
    to be elected into office for a second term, and only then, when he
    will have no possibility to run for the office for the third time,
    they could consider switching to the parliamentary form of government.

    Some media have already alleged that Sargsyan is thus paving the way
    for his becoming prime minister of a parliamentary republic. However,
    Hovannisian has not yet responded to the offer to serve on the
    commission. Meanwhile, it is being reported that the initiative of
    the ARF and Heritage on convening a special session of parliament to
    discuss the aforementioned issue has failed. Two factions have begun
    collecting signatures, but if they fail to enlist the support of the
    second largest faction of Prosperous Armenia, then they will not be
    able to gather at least 44 signatures required for such a motion.

    PAP is still considering whether it should join the initiative,
    even though it was this party that last year initiated the push for
    a fully proportional electoral system.

    It now becomes more and more obvious that the protest movement is
    not setting tough demands to President Sargsyan, rather it prefers
    taking a long way of "gaining power from below", which implies winning
    at municipal elections, achieving a dissolution of parliament and
    new legislative elections or a transition to a parliamentary form
    of government.
