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The Christians Of Syria Are Living The 'Iraqi Fear'

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  • The Christians Of Syria Are Living The 'Iraqi Fear'


    Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (The Middle East)
    March 5 2013

    They Had Al-Asad'S Support But Are Worried About The Post-Revolution
    Era Although Some Participated In It

    [Translated From Arabic]

    Former President Hafiz Al-Asad Did Not Rule In The Name Of The Alawite
    Minority But In The Name Of The Secular Ba'Th Party. The Majority
    Members Of His Security And Political Team Did Not Belong To This
    Sect That Is A Minority In Syria. According To The Most Optimistic
    Estimates, The Total Population Numbers About 20 Per Cent Alawites And
    65 Per Cent Sunnis, Who Constitute A Big Majority. However, Since The
    Start Of The Revolutionary Agitation Two Years Ago That Developed Into
    a military conflict between the opposition brigades and the regime's
    army, the Christians of Syria have been anxious about their existence.

    Their fears have been growing amid reports about forcible evacuations
    of Christian villages and abductions of Christian clerics.

    Furthermore, the Syrian opposition's avowed position that considers the
    Syrian people as one bloc has not found an echo among the Christian

    Hafiz al-Asad never publicized his Alawite roots. On the contrary,
    he used to worship in Sunni mosques and his Bashar followed in his
    footsteps. However, the father and later the son sought to strengthen
    the role of this sect in the administration of Syria and in the
    Ba'th party in a way that enabled him to ensure the loyalty of the
    army and the intelligence services that ruled Syria with an iron
    grip. The father (followed later by the son) realized the importance
    of a coalition consisting of the minorities in Syria. He began to
    consolidate his ties with the Christians that constitute about 7.5
    per cent of the population, the Druze that constitute 2.75 per cent
    of the population, the Shias (about 3 per cent), and the Isma'ilis (1
    per cent). When the crisis erupted in 2011, the regime was determined
    to highlight the "Islamic face" of the revolt against it before the
    Islamists infiltrated Syria. It was a deliberate attempt to frighten
    the Christians, Alawites, and the other minorities from the influence
    of the Islamists. The regime was assisted in this by the "Egyptian
    model" and the sectarian problems there. It seems that the fears and
    anxiety of the minorities is playing a major role in the crisis. These
    fears drove Maronite Patriarch Bisharah al-Ra'i to visit Syria. The
    Maronite patriarchate had been boycotting Syria since Lebanon gained
    its independence. The same fears also drove the Orthodox Church to
    re-elect a patriarch of Syrian origin. Meanwhile, the Druze let down
    Lebanese Druze leader Walid Jumblatt and fought alongside the regime
    despite Junblatt's repeated calls on them to "join the revolution".

    Sulayman al-Yusuf, the Christian-Assyrian writer and researcher,
    argues that the fears and anxieties of the Christians are justified,
    particularly in the Al-Jazeera region east of the country. He points
    out that the abductions of Christians and seizures of their lands
    and properties by Arab tribes drove a large number of families
    to migrate outside Syria. Al-Yusuf tells Al-Sharq al-Awsat: "The
    Christians are afraid of the future. They say that the abductions
    and looting are taking place in the presence of the regime. So how
    is it going to be if this regime falls?" He adds: "The Iraqi lesson
    is strongly present in our consciousness. The forcible evictions and
    the detonation of churches can happen at any moment after the fall
    of the regime, exactly as happened in Iraq. There is also the fear
    from the spread of the radical groups, like the Al-Nusrah Front,
    that consider Christians as infidels". Al-Yusuf goes on to say:
    "The Christians of Iraq paid the price of the sectarian agendas of
    the warring sides there and this may happen in Syria. For instance,
    in the Al-Jazeera region, an Arab-Kurdish struggle is raging and
    the two sides are militarily mobilizing. It is obvious that the side
    that will pay the price is the Christians". The American Christian
    "Open Doors USA" organization has reached the conclusion that Syria
    has become one of the most dangerous countries for the Christians. The
    organization published its annual "Special Interest List" of countries
    that persecute Christians in the world and Syria ranked 11th on
    this list this year; it ranked 36th in the past. However, despite the
    regime's insistence to portray itself as the "protector of minorities,"
    the Christians have not enjoyed many political privileges. They were
    given posts that do not give the Christians a clear and influential
    role in the internal and external policy-making process in Syria.

    In general, the Christians in Syria are afraid; so are the Druze
    and the Shias. This puts them in the position of "defending their
    existence" after they were persuaded (rightly or wrongly) that they
    will be annihilated if the opposition came to power. This fear makes
    them ready to defend the regime until the last breath. According
    to an Assyrian researcher, "the lesson of Iraq, the eviction of its
    Christians, and the detonation of their churches is still in their
    consciousness". This drives the Christians to cling to the current
    regime that protects them from instability and chaos. Although some
    prominent Christians have joined the ranks of the "Syrian revolution,"
    the role of the Christians in this revolt is still weak. The majority
    of them remained neutral while others openly proclaimed their support
    for the regime. According to some opposition members, a number of
    practices against Christians have been documented. The latest was the
    abduction of the three Christian clerics Father Michel Kayyal from
    the Armenian Catholic denomination, Father Mahir Mahfuz from the
    Greek Orthodox denomination, and Father Louis Sakkaf from the town
    of Sqailbiyah. According to activists, "the clerics were kidnapped in
    February by an unknown group that has not so far announced its identity
    or its motives". Some activists believe that "the abductions took place
    in the country of the town of Hamah that includes the two Christian
    villages of Mahradah and Sqailbiyah". According to Ghazi al-Hamawi,
    member of the revolutionary council in Hamah, the regime's forces
    are gathering vehicles and military units inside these two towns to
    give the impression that they are defending the Christian residents
    there. In a telephone call with Al-Sharq al-Awsat, Al-Hamawi adds:
    "In conducting its operations in the Hamah countryside, the Free
    Syrian Army [FSA] is careful to keep the Christians outside the
    conflict and prevent the regime from fomenting sedition among the
    different residents in the region. Press reports say that the village
    of Qastal al-Burj in the Hamah countryside -a small farm close to the
    town of Sqailbiyah also with a Christian majority -was also attacked
    by gunmen in May in order to evict its residents and turn their homes
    into military centres. Al-Hamawi says: "The eviction of this village is
    vague. However, it is certain that the military groups that occupied
    it do not belong to the FSA". Al-Hamawi denies that "the Christians
    in Syria are allies of the Syrian regime," adding: "large numbers of
    Christians participated in the peaceful demonstrations.

    They also opened their doors to welcome the refugees from the
    devastated areas".

    Among the Syrian towns, Hims has witnessed the largest exodus
    of Christians due to the military clashes that erupted there a
    short period ago. About 200,000 Christians live in Hims that has
    16 churches. According to church sources: "The Christians of Hims
    left their homes to escape the hell of the daily shelling. They
    headed to the area of Wadi al-Nasara [valley of the Christians]
    that is a principal stronghold for the Christian Syrians in the Hims
    countryside". Opposition sources point out: "Christian villages do not
    normally become involved in the current conflict in the country. But
    the forces (al-Shabihah) loyal to the Syrian regime seek to embroil
    these villages in the battles to make political gains. This took place
    in the Christian village of Rablah located halfway on the road between
    Al-Qusayr and the Lebanese border. The population of Rablah is about
    12,000 residents with a Greek Catholic majority. The Syrian regular
    army and the Shabihah loyalists confronted the Syrian revolutionaries
    and tried to cut off their supply lines by planting mines and setting
    ambushes. This led th e FSA brigades to abduct 200 farmers from the
    village and asked the people to expel the agents of the regime. They
    replied that are powerless against the regular army and the militias.

    Following some give and take, the revolutionaries released the
    200 abductees thus demarcating real lines of contact between these
    villages and the townships nearby". As for the capital, Damascus,
    the state of the Christians is not better. Their neighbourhoods,
    particularly Al-Qassas and Bab Tuma, have been the scene of powerful
    explosions that led to the death of many. Moreover, the parish priest
    of the town of Qatana in Rif Dimashq was killed a few days after he
    was abducted by an unidentified band.

    [Translated from Arabic]
