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Revealing The Art Of Arthur Pinajian

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  • Revealing The Art Of Arthur Pinajian

    by Florence Avakian
    March 6, 2013

    NEW YORK-An exhibition of Arthur Pinajian's abstract paintings was
    opened on Wed., Feb. 13 at the Antiquorum, on the fifth floor of the
    Fuller Building, located at 41 East 57th Street in New York. The
    exhibition is a revealing insight into the artistry of a painter
    who has been compared to Arshile Gorky. A significant part of the
    proceeds will support the work of the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR)
    in Armenia. The 34 paintings, which are available for purchase, will be
    on exhibition and open to the public until March 10, Tuesday through
    Saturday, from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Also available is a catalogue
    of his works, entitled Pinajian: Master of Abstraction Discovered,
    with essays by well-known art scholars, and edited by art scholar
    Peter Hastings Falk.

    (L-R) Lawrence E. Joseph, Arto Vorperian, and Peter Hastings Falk.

    A unique artist

    During the opening night reception, FAR official Arto Vorperian
    welcomed the close to 200 guests, which included museum officials,
    art dealers, and art lovers. Peter Hastings Falk, the catalogue editor,
    also spoke, revealing that Arthur Pinajian did not follow the route of
    current artists who employ a retinue of agents, dealers, and business
    people. Pinajian, in a word, "did not conform to today's norms. He
    painted every day, but no one saw his art. He received no reviews and
    not one of his paintings or works on paper ever was shown in a New
    York gallery or museum." When he died, his art, which had been stored
    in his garage, was left to be destroyed at his request. Fortunately,
    it was rescued at the last minute, as the New York Times reported.

    Although there are few people today who know of his brilliant
    creativity, one couple at the opening reception related how they had
    purchased a figurative painting many years ago from the artist for a
    mere $100, "so that Pinajian could have money to purchase paint for
    his work." Today, his abstract paintings are on sale for $3,750 to
    $87,000. A veteran art dealer at the exhibition predicted that in a
    few years, the price would shoot up to more than three or four times
    the amounts currently listed, as his fame spreads. It seems he was
    an artist one reads about in novels or sees in films-that is, the
    legendary starving artist who only sold paintings so that he could
    buy materials needed to continue his work.

    Arthur Pinajian, the child of Vartanoosh, a skilled embroiderer, and
    her husband Hagop, who worked for a dry cleaner, was born in 1914,
    with the name of Ashod in Union City, N.J. However, he preferred
    his nickname, Archie. A precocious youngster, he excelled in school,
    skipping grades, and possessed a voracious desire to draw with both
    hands at the same time. Newly graduated from high school in 1930 at
    age 16, during the Great Depression, with his father and uncle out
    of work, he took a job as a clerk in a carpet company to support his
    family. With the untimely death of his mother in 1932, he moved his
    father and sister to a much smaller apartment in Long Island, warmed
    only by a pot-belly stove.

    A pioneer in cartoon art

    Like many around him, the young Pinajian, seeking to escape from these
    harsh circumstances, went to the movies; after seeing Paul Muni in
    "Scarface," he started his first comic strip. While still working
    at the carpet firm, he was hired as a freelance cartoonist by Lud
    Shabazian, a reporter-illustrator at the New York Daily News, and at
    age 20, he was promoting himself as a commercial illustrator. Taking
    only the sessions he could afford at the Art Students' League and
    with the aid of the G.I. Bill, he honed his skills in the medium of
    the modern-day comic book. Regarded as among the pioneers of this
    new medium, he achieved considerable success in writing and drawing
    for such publishers as Quality, Marvel and Centaur, and working as
    an illustrator for ad agencies.

    Following his service in the U.S. Army in World War II, for which he
    was awarded a Bronze Star, he was drawn to the works of the old and
    modern art masters, and endlessly roamed through the Manhattan museums
    and art galleries. For the last 26 years of his life, he devoted
    his life completely to art, living in a tiny room. It was not until
    eight years after his death, that Pinajian's artistic works would
    see the light of day. He was an artist who never used the tools of
    marketability, or exploited commercial connections. Never interested
    in fame, he was just too busy painting.

    Artistic struggle

    Pinajian's art displays his emotional quest between figurative and
    abstract art. His representational art focused on landscapes and
    female nudes. Renowned art critic John Perreault writes that through
    Pinajian's writings, which were scribbled in notebooks or on small
    bits of paper, we enter into his world of struggle and tension.

    "Pinajian found no easy answers. Each painting is a puzzle and a
    struggle, yielding light."

    The Pinajian story "is or could be the basis of a new myth, that of
    the secret artist," continues Perreault. "The secret artist lives
    among us. He (or she) seems ordinary on the outside and gives little
    sign of a hidden calling. Yet out of view, the secret artist toils,
    producing painting after painting. The ecstasy is in the making.

    Looking at Pinajian's lifetime of work, we participate in that

    The Fund for Armenian Relief, an organization founded following a
    devastating earthquake in 1988, has served hundreds of thousands
    of people through more than 225 relief and development programs
    in Armenia and Artsakh (Karabagh). It has channeled more than $290
    million in humanitarian and developmental assistance by implementing
    a wide range of projects, including emergency relief, construction,
    education, medical aid, and economic development.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress