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Regime Change Can Start With Yerevan Municipal Elections, Says ARF

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  • Regime Change Can Start With Yerevan Municipal Elections, Says ARF

    Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

    Armen Rustamian addresses crowd at Liberty Square on Tuesday with
    Raffi Hovannisian in the background

    YEREVAN-Armenian Revolutionary Federation Supreme Council of Armenia
    representative Armen Rustamian on Tuesday laid out his party's vision
    for the post-election popular movement in Armenia by stressing the
    importance of securing a victory at the Yerevan municipal elections
    set for May 5, as a stepping stone toward achieving regime change.

    Speaking at a rally on Freedom Square on March 5, Rustamian noted
    that the authorities will not willingly compromise, let alone concede
    power. "Only a popular movement that transforms into a powerful
    political factor can force them to do that," he said.

    According to Rustamian, The final objective of the movement is to
    guarantee that the people assume power on all levels. That objective
    can best be attained through persistent struggle, by securing a
    series of victories. We should not get disheartened if we cannot
    achieve regime change right away. We can attain that goal gradually,
    he noted, adding that every single person in the movement will have
    to work towards that goal.

    Rustamian concluded by saying that securing a victory during the
    May 5 municipal elections in Yerevan constitutes the first step. In
    a country like Armenia, assuming municipal power in Yerevan would
    be very significant and would force the authorities to make greater
    concessions, he argued.

    Meanwhile, at the same rally opposition leader Raffi Hovannisian
    pledged that there will be "no retreat" from the popular movement
    sparked after the February 18 presidential elections.

    "Nothing will make us deviate from our path," he told the thousands
    assembled at what has become a regular occurrence as the popular
    movement continues to grow.

    Hovannisian also condemned the international community for accepting
    the official results of the disputed February 18 election. He said
    congratulatory letters sent to Sarkisian by the U.S. and Russian
    presidents as well as other foreign leaders were a "huge mistake,"
    reported RFE/RL.

    Hovannisian announced that he will tour more areas outside Yerevan,
    including the cities of Gyumri and Vanadzor, on Wednesday and
    Thursday before holding fresh rallies in the Armenian capital on
    Friday and Sunday.

    Speaking at Tuesday's rally, Hovannisian assured supporters that Sunday
    will see a "breakthrough" in the realization of his post-election
    "program." He did not elaborate.
