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North Caucasus Caucus About Fighters From Azerbaijan In Syria

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  • North Caucasus Caucus About Fighters From Azerbaijan In Syria


    19:31 06/03/2013 " SOCIETY

    There appears to be a great deal of interest in Caucasian fighters
    in Syria. Occasionally Azerbaijani fighters are also mentioned in
    random reports, the North Caucasus Caucus says. The author said that
    it is a bit more difficult to follow Azeri jihadi activity since was shut down last year.

    "In Mid-August 2012 the first report of an Azerbaijani fighter in
    Syria I saw was from French journalist, Jean-Marc Mojon, reporting
    from Aleppo. He reportedly spoke to a young Azeri fighter in a clinic
    in Saif al-Dawla neighborhood. The young man said he had seen images
    of the war on television and had decided to come fight in Syria,"
    the article says.

    The author notes that on 9 September 2012, Shabka al-Mujahideen
    (Mujahideen Suppoters Network), an Arabic language jihadi forum posted
    a photo of "Abu Hanifa (Warning:graphic)," an Azeri fighter allegedly
    killed in Aleppo. Abu Hanifa was later identified as Zaur Islamov.

    "Islamov is probably the best known Azeri fighter as his driver's
    license was photographed and spread on social media.

    Islamov's name was also included on a list of "foreign terrorists"
    killed in various battles posted by pro-Assad Facebook groups.

    Reportedly Islamov had told hold his family that he was going to
    Turkey to work. According to his documents posted online, he was from
    the northern district of Qusar, close to the border with Dagestan,"
    the author writes.

    According to the article on 19 October 2012 SANA, Syrian state media,
    reported that a citizen of Azerbaijan by the name of "Hasin Kazli" was
    killed in al-Atareb in the Aleppo province in a fighting group led by
    Uybaid al-Mansi. Kazli's name also appeared on a list of 142 foreign
    fighters released by the Syrian government. The story was published
    in some Azeri online media but not picked up by any of the big outlets.

    On 22 October 2012, Jihadi social media posted post-mortem photos of
    "Ibrahim al-Azeri," a fighter allegedly killed in Idlib in October.

    The author says that on 30 November 2012, the Azerbaijan Press Agency
    (APA), one of Azerbaijan's leading state media outlets, published
    a lengthy article about Araz Kangarli. The article reported that
    Kangarli had been killed some time in September 2012. In November,
    Kangarli's mother, Larisa, said she had received a phone call informing
    her that her son had died.

    Larisa Kangarli reported that her son had left for Syria in mid-2012
    with a group of other young men. Kangarli was one of the few fighters
    that had some background information available. The border guards
    arrested Kangarli and several other men at the Azeri-Iranian border
    in 2008. The group was allegedly returning from Afghanistan/Pakistan
    where they freely admitted they had been fighting ISAF forces since
    2005. After being sentenced to several years in prison for illegally
    crossing the border, Kangarli was released early in 2009 after
    an appeal.

    "On 11 January 2013, Yara Bayoumy reported from Aleppo on foreign
    fighters for Reuters. During his interviews at the Karm al-Jabal rebel
    base, Bayoumy spoke to a "Abu al-Harith, a stocky, fair, 27-year-old
    from Azerbaijan. He said "This is my first time to embark on a Jihad
    because ... there was no one worse than Bashar. Even Stalin was
    merciful compared with him," the article says.

    On 12 February 2013 the website, Gunxeber, reported that a group of
    Azeri fighters had travelled to Turkey on their way to Syria. The
    article did not provide many details.

    "And on 25 February 2013, the Turkish language fan page for
    Jabhar al-Nusra, Nusrat Cephesi, posted on Facebook two photos of
    "Abdurrazzak al-Azeri. He was only identified as being martyred but
    no other information was given in the post. Some of the comments to
    the post suggest that the young man was from Sumqayit, Azerbaijan's
    third largest city. According to a local news website, Sumqayit Xeber,
    the city was home to several other Azeri jihadis who fought in the
    North Caucasus and Afghanistan/Pakistan. The article even names an
    Azeri citizen wanted by INTERPOL for terrorism, Cabir Mustafayev,
    who was reportedly killed in Syria," the author says.

    Recall that the relationship between international terrorist groups and
    Azerbaijan originated in the early 1990s. That time, the Azerbaijani
    army, having failed in the aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic (NKR), retreated with losses. Trying to save the situation,
    the Azerbaijani leadership, headed by Heydar Aliyev attracted to the
    war against the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh international terrorists
    and members of radical groups from Afghanistan (groupings of Gulbuddin
    Hekmatyar), Turkey ("Grey Wolves", etc.), Chechnya (groupings Basayev
    and Raduyev etc.) and some other regions.

    Despite the involvement in of thousands of foreign mercenaries and
    terrorists in the Azerbaijani army during the war, the Azerbaijani
    aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh Republic failed, and the Baku
    authorities were forced to sign an armistice with the NKR and Armenia.

    However, international terrorists found ties in Azerbaijan, and used
    them in the future. Recruitment was conducted among Azerbaijanis,
    who then were sent to Afghanistan and the North Caucasus, where
    participated in the battles against the forces of the international
    coalition and Russian organizations.

    In recent years, the citizens of Azerbaijan are actively involved in
    terrorist and extremist activities in Russia, Afghanistan and Syria.

    In Azerbaijan the citizens are brought to criminal liability for
    participating in "illegal armed groups" in Afghanistan, sentenced to
    minor terms of imprisonment.

