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`A female politician shouldn't try to be like a male politician'

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  • `A female politician shouldn't try to be like a male politician'

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    March 7 2013

    `A female politician shouldn't try to be like a male politician'

    7 March 2013 - 9:11am
    Interview by Susanna Petrosyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    The tendency of woman's political role improvement is one the
    hallmarks of our time. The chairwoman of the opposition party Gnchak,
    MP from the Armenian National Congress Ludmila Sargsyan tells Vestnik
    Kavkaza about the role of a woman in the Armenian political life and
    the internal situation.

    - The post-election processes in Armenia are accompanied by
    protests initiated by the former foreign minister, the leader of
    Heritage Raffi Ovannisyan. Can these protests turn into a wide
    socio-political movement?

    - Refusal from participating in the presidential elections by
    three leading political forces has clear reasons. The forces - the
    ANC, Prosperous Armenia, and Dashnaktsutyun - understood acuteness of
    the geopolitical factor. The world political centers relied on Serge
    Sargsyan, i.e. his reelecting was beneficial for Russia and the West.
    The question is what direction Armenia will choose - the European
    Union or the Eurasian Union. Both centers are interested players. The
    other factor was the parliamentary elections on May 6th, 2012. They
    demonstrated that the mechanism of power changing by direct elections
    is ineffective in our country. In the context of doomed results of the
    presidential elections, participation of the opposition forces was

    At the same time, the authorities had to provide competitiveness of
    the elections. They could find a solution for the task, using
    Ovannisyan. He would be right to reject participation in the
    elections. In this case we would get what we have in reality in
    Armenia - Serge Sargsyan was the only candidate and the elections
    would be considered non-competitive and illegal.

    Participation of Ovannisyan who is a political figure unlike other
    candidates encouraged concentration of protest electorate's votes in
    his favor. As there were no alternative opposition candidates, all
    votes against Sargsyan were given to Ovannisyan, but it doesn't mean
    all these people are his supporters.

    There is nothing unusual in the protests: Sargsyan won the elections
    de jure, while de facto he lost in many cities. His victory is
    doubtful and people express indignation, expecting changes in the
    situation. They hope for Ovannisyan. However, I see no grounds for
    appearance of a wide socio-political movement because Ovannisyan's
    position is unclear. He doesn't speak about certain steps for changing
    power. So, the number of people on the Freedom Square will reduce day
    after day.

    - Are statements on necessity of new parliamentary elections

    - Till power belongs to the Republican Party of Armenia, the
    results of elections will be known ahead. Armenia needs new
    presidential elections. Under the other president we can expect that
    parliamentary elections will demonstrate people's will rather than a
    next arrangement on the current authorities' reelecting.

    - What is the main problem of the Armenian opposition?

    - Consolidation. We cannot provide a serious struggle against
    the authorities separately. We have ambitions and problems of
    leadership. But the key success factor is consolidation of all
    opposition forces.

    - What skills compose a woman-politician's image?

    - In the beginning of my political career I haven't thought
    about this - I choose tasks and tried to solve them. Then I realized
    that to be successful in politics (I think I am a successful
    politician among women) you should be honest to your environment and
    to people. This factor plays an important role in forming a really
    positive image. A woman-politician should be persistent, logical,
    adhering to principles, and what is the most important - never try to
    be like a man-politician as in this case a woman-politician becomes
    uninteresting. I am a leader of a party. I used to have many drawbacks
    which I managed to overcome in time. Politics is a tough sphere, if
    you want to see a friend in everyone, you will lose.

    - In Armenia people continue to think politics is a man's
    business. Who among your colleagues fill confident in this sphere?

    - I don't agree that it is a man's business. Who said that
    problems of our country are interesting to men only? Women feel
    confident in politics as they are prominent political activists and
    could achieve success by fair means.

    - Do family and politics suit well?

    - A woman-politician is not free from household issues. We
    are mothers who are responsible to their children. Of course, politics
    takes a lot of time and sometimes you don't fulfill your home
    responsibilities well. But I began to deal with politics seriously
    when my both daughters grew up. They are my supporters, aides, and
