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HR situation in Azerbaijan is deteriorating at an alarming rate

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  • HR situation in Azerbaijan is deteriorating at an alarming rate

    Al Jazeera: Human rights situation in Azerbaijan is deteriorating at
    an alarming rate

    17:34 08/03/2013 » SOCIETY

    While the international community continues to engage in business as
    usual with oil-rich Azerbaijan, the country is quickly losing claim to
    any remaining pretence that it is a democracy. Azerbaijani civil
    society is under attack at unprecedented levels, as the government
    wages a vicious campaign to silence its critics, American-British
    human rights activist currently based in London Rebecca Vincent writes
    in an article in Al Jazeera.

    In particular, the Azerbaijani authorities seem intent on punishing
    those who exposed human rights problems in the country during the
    period of increased international media attention ahead of the
    Eurovision Song Contest and Internet Governance Forum (IGF). Rights
    groups warned of potential retaliation once this attention had faded.
    They turned out to be right.

    `Over the past few months, the Azerbaijani authorities have been
    scrambling to silence all critical voices in the country - including
    mine,' the author says and notes that in a highly unusual move, in
    December, the authorities revoked my residence permit while I was
    travelling outside of the country, preventing me from returning to my
    home in Baku and effectively separating my family ever since. No
    official explanation has been given, but diplomatic negotiations
    confirmed that the action was politically motivated.

    According to her in the run-up to Eurovision and the IGF, she worked
    with a wide range of international and local human rights
    organisations that were publically critical of Azerbaijan's record on
    issues such as freedom of expression and internet freedom, including
    through two reports that were banned from being distributed at the
    IGF. But my work with a new local campaign, Art for Democracy, which
    had launched just a week earlier in a December 11 event, seems to have
    been the clincher. Art for Democracy seeks to use all forms of
    artistic expression to promote human rights and democracy in the

    `Since December, the human rights situation in the country has
    deteriorated at an alarming rate. In January, authorities responded to
    an unrelated series of anti-government protests in Baku and other
    regions.' the author writes.

    At the same time, authorities appeared to support protests against the
    author Akram Aylisli following his publication of Stone Dreams, a
    novel covering the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict from a perspective his
    critics allege is sympathetic to Armenia. Pro-government groups held
    pickets in February calling Aylisli a traitor and burning his book.
    `Authorities have also started taking steps to eliminate any chance of
    a free and fair presidential election in October,' the article said.

    Republicanist Alternative (REAL) movement presidential candidate Ilgar
    Mammadov is in pre-trial detention, facing up to 10 years imprisonment
    on politically motivated charges of organising mass disorder and
    violently resisting police.

    `Despite this rapid deterioration, the international community has
    hardly taken note. The support promised to Azerbaijani activists by
    IGF participants has certainly been lacking,' Vincent writes. She
    recalls that European politicians directly contributed to the downward
    spiral by failing to support a resolution on political prisoners in
    Azerbaijan in a January 23 vote at the Parliamentary Assembly of the
    Council of Europe - a move that the Azerbaijani authorities clearly
    interpreted as carte blanche to continue arresting persons for
    politically motivated reasons.

    `To top it all, as recently as February 20, the European Union
    enhanced a Memorandum of Understanding on Energy with Azerbaijan,
    signaling once again that in realpolitik, oil trumps human rights,'
    the human rights activist writes.

