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Will Opp Forces Jointly Participate in the Yerevan City Council Elec

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  • Will Opp Forces Jointly Participate in the Yerevan City Council Elec

    Will Opposition Forces Jointly Participate in the Yerevan City Council

    March 7 2013

    Applying to 4 political forces - the Armenian National Congress (ANC),
    the Heritage Party, the Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), and the
    Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) - Levon Zurabyan, the ANC
    coordinator, made an offer yesterday to jointly participate in the
    Yerevan City Council election. has found out during a
    conversation with the representatives of the above-mentioned parties
    in what format they will participate in the city council election and
    whether they are ready to accept the ANC offer. Ruben Hakobyan, the
    Heritage Party parliamentary group leader, stated during a
    conversation with us that they welcomed that offer and went into
    detail: `If we unite, our movement will become stronger. We welcome
    the idea to jointly participate in the city council election. We,
    Raffi Hovhannisyan personally, have said that many times. Therefore, I
    think that all constructive forces think that joining forces is a must
    at this point.' In response to our question whether negotiations on
    this issue were in progress, Mr. Hakobyan said: `A negotiating process
    is currently under way, and it progresses quite effectively. It aims
    at rallying everyone around the movement.' Naira Zohrabyan, the
    secretary of the PAP parliamentary group, informed that the format of
    participation in the Yerevan City Council election had not been
    discussed in the PAP yet and added: `Let me not express my personal
    opinion on this, since it is such an issue that a personal opinion is
    not decisive. We will discuss the format of our participation in the
    Yerevan City Council election in the party's political council and
    will make public our position. It will probably happen on March
    11-12.' Armen Hambardzumyan, the alternate representative of the ARF
    Supreme Body, informed: `We haven't made a decision yet. The
    discussions are under way, and I think the offer will also be
    discussed in that context. However, I cannot tell when we will make
    the final decision.' The ARF hasn't discussed that issue with the ANC
    yet. In response to our question whether he deemed negotiations with
    the ANC probable, A. Hambardzumyan said: `We have our approaches and
    views; if we deem them adequate to those, I don't rule them out.
    However, we don't have any clear position on that issue yet, also
    given the fact that the statement on behalf of the ANC initiative
    group was made as late as yesterday evening.' Lyudmila Sargsyan, a
    member of the ANC parliamentary group, stated: `If there is a
    possibility of broad consolidation of opposition forces, the issue of
    participation in the city council election will be discussed. That is
    the parliamentary group's opinion. However, nothing is clear yet. If
    it is possible to participate with a common list of the whole
    opposition camp, then there is an opinion that it is worth
    participating.' There are opinions that the ANC made such an offer,
    realizing that this election would be risky for it. In response to
    this observation, Ms. Sargsyan said: `It is not so. We realize quite
    well that the most important elections for our country are
    presidential elections, during which the people are unprecedentedly
    active. However, we realized that there was no possibility in the
    country these days for the opposition to actually win. The opposition
    has always defeated the government in presidential elections. As for
    the city council election, it will also be an event, at which the
    Republican Party will once again score a victory. It is my personal
    opinion; there are also other opinions, according to which
    participation is possible in case of broad consolidation. As for the
    ANC, I don't think there is any other powerful force in the opposition
    camp, except for the ANC.' Tatev HARUTYUNYAN

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