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What `Meaningful Movement' Do the Mediators Expect From Serzh Sargsy

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  • What `Meaningful Movement' Do the Mediators Expect From Serzh Sargsy

    What `Meaningful Movement' Do the Mediators Expect From Serzh Sargsyan?

    March 6 2013

    The mediators try to ensure the continuation of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    negotiating process Eduard Nalbandyan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs
    of the Republic of Armenia, met with the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs,
    as well as Andrzej Kasprzyk, the personal representative of the OSCE
    Chairperson-in-Office, in Paris on Sunday. According to the statement
    released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nalbandyan drew the
    co-chairs' attention to the fact that not only had the Azerbaijani
    side not made public the joint press releases agreed on during the
    previous two meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan with the co-chairs in Paris, but it had also made
    statements, which had nothing to do with the discussed issues, in an
    already established style. `It has already become a custom that
    Azerbaijan declines the proposals made by the co-chairs and then
    expresses concern about the negotiating process,' the Armenian Foreign
    Minister stated. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
    Armenia reasserted that Armenia would make further efforts, along with
    the co-chairs, aiming at the exceptionally peaceful settlement of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs released a
    statement on the results of a meeting with Nalbandyan, as well as a
    meeting with the Azeri Foreign Minister, Elmar Mamedyarov, on March 2.
    `The Co-Chairs repeated their concerns regarding the issue of civilian
    flights to Nagorno-Karabakh and the recent violence on the Line of
    Contact. They also discussed ideas to strengthen the ceasefire,' the
    co-chairs' statement reads. The co-chairs also informed that they will
    travel to the region in the next few weeks `to discuss with the
    Presidents next steps aimed at reaching a peaceful resolution of the
    conflict.' On March 2, US President Barack Obama congratulated Serzh
    Sargsyan on his reelection. According to the press release on the
    Armenian President's official website, Obama's letter reads: `We will
    continue to strongly support progress in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace
    process, which requires meaningful movement toward a settlement that
    provides lasting peace and security. We also want to continue our work
    to promote the eventual normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations.
    Your reelection presents opportunities to advance the relationship
    between our two countries and to build your legacy as a leader who
    solidifies Armenia's reforms and furthers the cause of peace for your
    people and the people of your region.' Pointing out a set of
    priorities in the congratulatory letter, Washington expects that
    Armenia would make `meaningful movement' toward the conflict
    settlement within the framework of the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiating
    process. In other words, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair country hints
    at a change of status quo based on the Madrid Principles. Whereas
    after Ramil Safarov, an Azeri murderer, was extradited to Azerbaijan
    and was heroized at the state level, the negotiating process has been,
    to put mildly, in strong confusion. Let us remind that on February 25,
    John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, congratulated S. Sargsyan on
    his reelection and also talked about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    settlement, stating: `I also remain committed to helping your country
    find a peaceful, negotiated solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
    and I ask that you continue to give the Minsk Group Co-Chairs your
    full support. We cannot be satisfied with the status quo: we must
    seize this moment to pursue meaningful progress in the peace process.'
    Earlier, François Hollande, the president of another OSCE Minsk Group
    co-chair country, France, had sent a congratulatory letter, which
    read: `After the elections, I also reiterate my resolve to do
    everything possible to achieve peace and stability in the South
    Caucasus. France - a Co-Chair of the Minsk Group and Armenia's friend
    - remains committed to assist in the long overdue peaceful and just
    resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.' Such statements and
    letters have certainly been made public many times in the recent
    years, and of course, it will be an exaggeration to say based on these
    letters that some steps, which will change the situation, can be
    expected in the near future. Probably, the mediators try to save the
    negotiating process and ensure the continuation of negotiations in the
    format of the Minsk Group co-chairs, which really is under threat. By
    the way, another interesting fact; Azerbaijan has been complaining
    about the effectiveness of the OSCE Minsk Group for years, even the
    issue of whether its existence was appropriate or not has often been
    raised. Yesterday Raffi Hovhannisyan made a statement in Freedom
    Square, which will probably not be disregarded by international
    organizations, diplomats, and experts. He said that the Minsk Group
    co-chair countries - the Russian Federation, France and the United
    States - `given their narrow geopolitical interests, took an
    anti-democratic and disgraceful action, recognizing an illegal,
    illegitimate president.' `It is still not too late, and I am ready to
    meet with them, from Obama to Vladimirovich, and allow them to be so
    grand as to correct the mistake that they made. However, unless they
    do that, it will be impossible to recognize the functions of the Minsk
    Group and their well-known principles, which are obsolete,
    unnecessary, and void,' the Heritage Party leader stated. EMMA
    GABRIELYAN Aravot Daily

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