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Karabakh region wants full-fledged involvement in peace talks

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  • Karabakh region wants full-fledged involvement in peace talks

    Ekho Moskvy radio, Russia
    March 4 2013

    Karabakh region wants full-fledged involvement in peace talks

    [Translated from Russian]

    Azerbaijan's ethnic Armenian populated breakaway Nagornyy Karabakh
    region demands full-fledged involvement in negotiations over Nagornyy
    Karabakh between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the region's foreign
    minister, Karen Mirzoyan, said in his 4 March interview to the Russian
    Ekho Moskvy radio. The full text of the interview was published on the
    website of the radio.

    "Unfortunately, we cannot say that progress we would like to see has
    been attained in the negotiating process. Unfortunately, as of now,
    the process is progressing rather slowly. We think that this is first
    and foremost because Nagornyy Karabakh has not been involved in the
    negotiating process as a full-fledged party to the conflict. Our
    position is that only in case of the engagement of Nagornyy Karabakh
    as a full-fledged party at all stages of the conflict resolution
    process will make it possible to attain a genuine breakthrough and our
    final goal of resolving the conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagornyy
    Karabakh," Mirzoyan said, accusing Azerbaijan of barring Karabakh from
    direct talks against the backdrop of the "growing" desire of a number
    of international actors to see Nagornyy Karabakh at the negotiating

    He played down reports on the lack of tangible results achieved by the
    OSCE Minsk Group involved in the conflict settlement. "Do not
    underestimate the role of the Minsk Group. I think many things have
    been achieved. Separate elements are being worked out and they will be
    put in place, implemented and realized in the future in case of
    reaching a final agreement on the settlement of the conflict. I think
    that the main thing achieved within this format is the understanding
    of the fact that the will of the people of Nagornyy Karabakh should be
    regarded as having paramount importance," Mirzoyan said

    He went on to express hope that Nagornyy Karabakh would eventually
    become a full-fledged member of the international community. "Work is
    under way. We do not conceal this. It is our position that Nagornyy
    Karabakh should be recognized and its recognition will make it
    possible to create more favourable conditions for the resolution of
    the conflict between Azerbaijan and Nagornyy Karabakh," he said.

    Commenting on the question as to why Armenia had not yet recognized
    the independence of the region, Mirzoyan interpreted Armenia's stance
    as its commitment to the principles and ideas of the OSCE Minsk Group.
    However, he added that the recognition of Nagornyy Karabakh by Armenia
    and other members of the international community was likely to
    facilitate the negotiating process.

    Asked about the observance of cease-fire on the dividing line between
    Nagornyy Karabakh and Azerbaijan given that no "international
    peacekeepers" patrolled the area, Mirzoyan said: "The situation that
    has taken shape on the contact line between troops of Nagorny Karabakh
    republic and Azerbaijan is not acceptable for us. Tensions are growing
    high there from the side of the Azerbaijani troops. The so-called
    sniper war is under way. The positions of the Armenian and Karabakh
    troops are sprayed by bullets from the Azerbaijani side on the daily
    basis from almost all kinds of firearms. And we think that this
    situation is dangerous".

    He accused Azerbaijan of rejecting calls by the Minsk Group co-chairs
    and alleged that Azerbaijan had set up a special school to train
    snipers to be sent to the contact line.

    Speaking about the possible opening of an airport in Karabakh's
    capital Stepanakert (Xankandi), he said resolutely: "This airport will
    be put into operation", adding that unimpeded movement was a
    "fundamental human right". At the same time, Mirzoyan refrained from
    naming a specific date of the launch of the airport, noting that
    flights would start as soon as all necessary security measures were
    put in place.

    Asked whether the foreign policy of the self-proclaimed republic
    depended on domestic developments in Azerbaijan and Armenia, he said
    that Karabakh was interested in political stability in Armenia and
    Azerbaijani, as any instability in Azerbaijan was likely to lead to
    the escalation of tensions that would also affect the conflict line.

    "Azerbaijan has unleashed a wave of threats, a stream of words calling
    for violence and consisting of elements of blackmail. Certainly, this
    language, this approach is completely unacceptable," he said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress