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Armenian lobby and Iranian State Propaganda Attack Azerbaijan-Israel

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  • Armenian lobby and Iranian State Propaganda Attack Azerbaijan-Israel

    Press Release Centre (press release)
    March 9 2013

    Armenian lobby and Iranian State Propaganda Attack Azerbaijan-Israel
    Burgeoning Relations

    2013-03-09 By Marketers Media

    Armenian lobby groups such as ANCA building on pervasive and
    deep-rooted Turcophobia, anti-Azerbaijanism and anti-Semitism, join
    forces with mullahs of Iran, attack expanding strategic partnership
    between Azerbaijan and Israel.

    Iran's state-run radio published a critical report about Azerbaijan's
    Ambassador to the United States, Elin Suleymanov, speaking at a panel
    during the AIPAC 2013 Annual Conference on March 3, 2013.

    Official Tehran's anti-Semitic diatribe attempted to drive wedge
    between the Azerbaijani and Jewish people and between Azerbaijan and
    Israel. Clearly, the Iranian leadership is concerned over the growing
    and successful partnership Azerbaijan has developed with the United
    States and Israel.

    Azerbaijan, which is home to one of the largest Jewish communities in
    the Muslim world, currently provides up to 40% of Israel's energy
    demand and the Ambassador stated more cooperation between Israel and
    Azerbaijan would further deepen relations between the two countries.

    In a commentary entitled `The land of no anti-Semitism' about
    Azerbaijan the day before the conference the influential Israeli
    newspaper Haaretz noted: ``There is no anti-Semitism here and there
    never has been.' This sentence was repeated to me over and over during
    my stay this week on the shore of the Caspian Sea. Jews, non-Jews,
    government officials, dissidents, local residents and Israeli
    diplomats and rabbis. Not only was this the constant refrain but I
    don't remember ever being in a country where I felt so comfortable
    being identified as an Israeli. And Azerbaijan, in case you were not
    aware, is 95 percent Muslim, of the Shi'ite variety.'

    The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) Executive Director
    Aram Hamparian joined the Iranian attack on Azerbaijan by harshly
    criticizing Azerbaijani Ambassador speaking at the AIPAC annual event
    and for expressing support for Israel and the Jewish community.

    Ironically, in the best tradition of paranoia-driven conspiracy
    theories, both Armenian and Iranian statements are based on a poorly
    translated unchecked press-report rather than actual participation in
    the event or official statements.

    While Armenia's own close relationship and shady dealings with Tehran,
    including Armenian actions to bypass international sanctions on Iran
    are well known and documented, the attempts by the American Armenian
    lobby groups to demonize Azerbaijan for being Israel's friend and
    attempts to isolate Israel in the region are contrary to advancing the
    U.S. national interests in Eurasia. Which is business as usual for
    Armenian lobby groups, which care only about their own narrow
    interests, and betray U.S. interests and taxpayers.

    Over the years, the Armenian government and nationalist circles have
    been on the record expressing and fanning anti-Semitic statements.
    Beginning in mid-May 2008, pro-government print media and state-run
    Public Television have made outlandish anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic
    accusations against former president and current opposition leader
    Levon Ter-Petrossian (LTP). Most of the accusations appear to be
    harsher versions of previous allegations that surfaced right before
    and after Armenia's disputed February presidential election. The
    small, pro-government Armenian Jewish community has expressed deep
    concern over the attacks, given the fact that anti-Semitic rhetoric
    has not been an issue in Armenia before, wrote then US Embassy in
    Armenia Charge d'Affaires Joseph Pennington in a US cable dated Jun.
    18, 2008.

    The Armenian lobby should stop playing an always destructive and
    obstructive role, and truly help Armenia by adhering to the United
    Nations Security Council resolutions which demand immediate withdrawal
    of Armenia's occupying forces from Azerbaijan's Nagorno-Karabakh
    region and all other currently occupied Azerbaijani districts.
    Furthermore, the Armenian lobby should put its pressure on Yerevan
    government to stop the destruction of Azerbaijani cultural heritage,
    such only two remaining mosques (of 269 existing in 19th century) in
    today's Armenia. Not content with physical destruction, the Armenian
    government re-names these mosques as `Persian' in an effort to
    whitewash its policy of cultural genocide against Azerbaijanis, Kurds
    and Turks.

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    Contact Info
    Name: US Azeris Network
    Email: [email protected]
