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Serzh Sargsyan's "stupor". No exit now?

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  • Serzh Sargsyan's "stupor". No exit now?

    Serzh Sargsyan's "stupor". No exit now?
    2013-03-09 21:34:55

    All options have been exhausted and it's time for threats. In this
    situation, there should be one way out, and under the mistaken choice
    of the output for a causal link of real hope for secured Armenia also

    Yes, from now on Armenia will be used only option threats, from 2015
    the influx of migrants from Russia who were not members of the Customs
    Union will be restricted. This was not a secret, Russia declares
    openly, and it makes no other than the President of the country,
    indicating the seriousness of the issue. If still only the chosen path
    of Armenia and its implications have been discussed only in the
    language of versions and projections, today there is an actual threat,
    which is revealed in the form of threats to it.

    And this is only the second model from the package of threats, which
    now presents Serzh Sargsyan to Russia, the other has long been known
    to all citizens of the Republic of Armenia- it is about the price of
    gas supplied to Armenia. It turns out that Serzh Sargsyan is in a more
    difficult and ridiculous position than before his statement. To talk
    about the consequences of these two threats is simply meaningless,
    since Armenia is based on the pillars of the consequences, that is,
    the use of these two methods thousands of Armenians will forget the
    way to Russia, thus transfers of billions of dollars will disappear,
    which entered Armenia from Russia, and the next will be unprecedented
    increase in unemployment, increasing gas prices, etc. In this case,
    even borrowed billions from the West can not become a lifeline.

    With this course of events Armenia, in the end, will be in the same
    situation, in which Georgia was a few years ago. Russia will not
    hesitate to do with Armenia as well as his time with Georgia and
    Saakashvili. Armenia is more than ought merged with Russia, that the
    options left her mythical and fabulous, all well aware of the power of
    our country.

    It turns out that only one output, and up to the exit door there are
    two whole years. As stated in the declaration, Russia uses its "arms"
    from 2015. Serzh Sargsyan can only navigate and choose the best of the
    options. It is this option to be determined Premier's post, which is
    outside the control of individuals.

    Thus, no matter how President Serzh Sargsyan will prefer the option of
    maneuvering, however, he must lead Armenia in the way to which he
    indicated, Serzh Sargsyan will face this task in the following years.

    Gevorg Avetisyan

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress