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1.5-year-old Armenian boy's life is in danger (PHOTO)

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  • 1.5-year-old Armenian boy's life is in danger (PHOTO)

    1.5-year-old Armenian boy's life is in danger (PHOTO)

    [image: 1.5-year-old Armenian boy's life is in danger (PHOTO)]March 09,
    2013 | 17:59

    YEREVAN. - An initial 3,500,000 drams (approx. $8,510) are needed to save
    the life of 1.5-year-old Yeghia Chinanyan, his mother, Kristine Arsenyan,
    toldArmenian .

    Little Yeghia suffers from a brain disease since birth. The blood vessels
    in his brain are enlarged, intertwined and clogged. The child might
    experience a blood efflux at any time and it might not be possible to save
    his life. Also, there is a cyst in his brain.

    Yeghia's parents, however, cannot afford the initial 3,500,000 drams that
    are necessary for a respective surgery. Both of his parents are unemployed,
    and his 4-year-old sister already understands that her brother is ill and
    she prays for his recovery.

    `He experienced very strong convulsions twice already. He turns blue and
    we just manage to get him to hospital. The convulsions last repeated on
    February 13. He turns blue, his eyes wander toward one direction and
    freeze. He was managed to be somehow saved in hospital,' his mother

    Armenian capital city Yerevan's University Hospital Number One has pledged
    to operate on the child, but the 3,500,000 drams are in initial need to
    purchase the necessary equipment for the surgery and to transfer it

    Furthermore, the given equipment is intended for one-time use only plus
    there might be a need for new operations.

    Speaking about little Yeghia's disease, his mother said: `There can be a
    blood efflux at any second, and=85' She also informed that their physician
    had given time until April 4 to perform the surgery. Also, there can be a
    need to take the boy abroad for treatment.

    To save 1.5-year-old Yeghia Chinanyan's life, you may kindly donate to the
    following bank accounts:

    163478004654 (AMD account)

    163478004662 (USD account)

    163478004670 (EUR account)

    163478004688 (RUR account)

    To note, all documentation on Yeghia Chinanyan's illness and his treatment
    costs are readily available atArmenian .

    News from Armenia -
