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Raffi Hovannisian declares hunger strike (updated) Videos

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  • Raffi Hovannisian declares hunger strike (updated) Videos

    Raffi Hovannisian declares hunger strike (updated)
    17:27 - 10.03.13

    The regular rally of the Heritage party leader Raffi Hovannisian
    kicked off in the Yerevan Liberty Square.

    Earlier Hovannisian stated that today's rally is going to be decisive.
    Member of the Sardarapat Movement initiative group Zhirayr Sefilyan is
    also there.

    A number of people - Heritage party representatives, art figures
    deliver speeches at the event, welcoming the people and urging them to
    be the owners of their vote.

    Art critic Levon Mutafyan, who delivered speech at 1988 movement in
    the Liberty Square, stated today he is inspired by seeing `powerful
    people, powerful mass, a new Armenia which managed first of all to
    overcome its indifference, managed to protect itself and think that we
    are building homeland for our children.''

    `We have no right to leave cut, split, distorted homeland to our
    children,' he said, adding that no matter how much the authorities
    will try to rig, to use force they will not manage to strangle the
    people's wish to live free.

    Member of Sardarapat movement, film director Tigran Khzmalyan called
    Raffi Hovannisian Mr President, saying that the people have already
    made their choice. He said it will be right for the MPs of the
    opposition factions to waive their mandates.

    Deputy leader of Heritage party Ruben Hakobyan, referred in his speech
    to the incident in Geghrkunik province, saying that it proves that the
    authorities want to inject tensions and are usuing criminal circles
    with that aim, adding that in Sevan such circles are headed by Sevan

    The rally ended with the speech of the Heritage party leader Raffi
    Hovannisian who stated that if until April 9, president's inauguration
    day, Serzh Sargsyan refuses to step down he will do it only over his
    [Hovannisian's] corpse. He said he is against seizing the presidential
    residence and no blood will be shed anymore.

    Hovannisian stated that starting from today he is declaring
    hunger-strike in the Liberty Square and urged the political forces who
    are stating that they are by people's side prove their words by
    actions. Hovannisian said the next rally will take place on March 15.

