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Raffi Hovannisian On Hunger Strike: New Armenia Will Be Inaugurated

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  • Raffi Hovannisian On Hunger Strike: New Armenia Will Be Inaugurated


    Monday, March 11, 13:37

    Armenian authorities have led themselves to a stalemate.

    Consequently, they must find a way out on their own and settle the
    problem by recognizing the real choice of the citizens, Leader of
    Heritage Party Raffi Hovannisian, who took the second place in the
    presidential election on Feb 18, told ArmInfo.

    At the rally on March 10 Raffi K. Hovannisian declared a hunger strike
    until the day of the president's inauguration - April 9.

    Hovannisian said that he declared hunger strike "as a fraud strike,
    a fear strike, a lie strike" in the country.

    "On February 18 we overcome all these negative phenomena, but the
    authorities have not got rid of them yet. They keep denying the public
    will. My step is the last haven of the nation-wide movement," he said.

    Anyway, he said, a new Armenia will be inaugurated on April 9.

    The politician said that the Constitutional Court of Armenia, which
    he applied to for nullification of the election result, has got an
    opportunity to adopt a fair decision respecting the right and choice
    of the people. Before that, the nation-wide movement will do its best
    to come closer to its victory in the presidential election of Feb 18.

    "No concessions are in question. The people have won and they should
    realize and admit that victory," he said.

    As for the net steps of his movement, Raffi Hovannisian said that
    the public has already consolidated and is waiting for the fruits of
    its victory.

    Students carrying flags of Armenia and chanting slogans "Hello Raffi,
    we are with you" came to the Liberty Square to show their support
    to Hovannisian. The politician welcomed the youth. Afterwards, the
    students moved to the Yerevan State University to continue their
    action in support of the Heritage Party Leader there.

    Earlier today, Spokesperson of the Armenian President Armen Arzumanyan
    said that on March 10 Vigen Sargsyan, Head of the Presidential
    Administration, phoned Raffi Hovannisian to officially invite him to
    a meeting.

    "Regretfully, Raffi Hovannisian declined the invitation to a meeting
    for a detailed and versatile discussion of the existing problems. We
    have nothing to do but hope that Hovannisian will soberly assess
    the situation and the threats of the de-facto declination of the
    invitation to a dialogue," he said.
