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U.S. Ambassador: Azerbaijani Law Enforcement Violates Rights Of Deta

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  • U.S. Ambassador: Azerbaijani Law Enforcement Violates Rights Of Deta


    14:50 13/03/2013 " SOCIETY

    Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Azerbaijan Richard
    Morningstar made a statement in connection with the last protest
    in Baku, noting that the law enforcement bodies of Azerbaijan had
    violated the rights of the detained activists.

    According to the Azerbaijani news agency "APA", in the statement of
    the U.S. Ambassador was expressed the attitude towards the last protest
    held on March 10 in Baku: "I have seen media reports that authorities
    arrested several youth activists in the days preceding the March 10
    public demonstration in Baku's Fountain Square. Then, contrary to
    internationally recognized standards, the authorities had three of
    these activists give televised confessions for alleged crimes."

    The ambassador of the United Stated said that police used water
    cannons and rubber bullets to break up groups of peaceful participants
    in the protest. "I am confident that Azerbaijan can reach its great
    democratic and economic potential, but only if the government respects
    the right of peaceful protest, promotes the rule of law, and engages
    in a meaningful dialogue with citizens to address legitimate public
    concerns," he said.

    According to the Azerbaijani news agency "Turan", the three activists
    of "NIDA" who were arrested on the eve of the rally of March 10 are
    pressed. Thus, parents of the arrested refused to have the service
    of the independent legal lawyers. Lawyer Asabali Mustafayev does not
    exclude that this was due to the pressure of the investigation.

    "Turan" reminds that activists of "NIDA" Bakhtiyar Guliyev, Shaheen
    Novruzlu and Mamed Azizov were arrested on the evening of 7 March and
    MNS accused them of possessing "Molotov cocktails" and drugs. On March
    9, these activists were put under arrest for 3 months. On March 9 at
    the evening video footage of interrogations of the arrested activists
    were shown on the Public Television of Azerbaijan. They confessed
    saying that members of the organization were going to show a "violent
    resistance to the police."

    However, members of the Board of NIDA held a press conference
    expressing confidence that the prisoners are under pressure and at
    the same time denied claims of plans of violent methods of struggle.

    On March 10, in Baku, a mass protest against the deaths of soldiers
    in the army in non-combat situation was held. The rally was dispersed
    by the police; at least 60 people were detained. According to the
    opposition party "Musavat", detainees were beaten and gassed in the
    bus. Baku police also detained a number of parents of soldiers who
    were dragged on the asphalt. On the eve news agency "Turan" provided
    information that the authorities were going to use LRAD (Long Range
    Acoustic Device) during Sunday's protest in order to disperse the

