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Authorities Appeared In Complicated Situation - Heritage Party Deput

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  • Authorities Appeared In Complicated Situation - Heritage Party Deput


    14:10 ~U 13.03.13

    Raffi Hovannisian's hunger strike has made the authorities appear in
    complicated situation, "no matter how cynically they comment on it,"
    deputy leader of Heritage party Armen Martirosyan said at an open
    air news conference in the Liberty Square. Martirosyan claimed that
    the authorities have lost the control of the created situation.

    "The conscious of our citizens has changed and their [authorities']
    bribes do not have the same impact what they used to have. They are
    in panic," he said.

    The Heritage party deputy leader said the crisis is all-national,
    thus it demands all-national solution. "I hope the incumbent president
    will realize it and be sober. Decisive steps have already been taken,
    they were taken on February 18. I hope this solution will not be
    delayed and after the meeting the third and fourth presidents will
    come up with real proposals," he said.

    Martirosyan refuted talks about the formation of shadow government.

    Speaking about the upcoming Yerevan Council of Elders elections,
    he said they do not see any problem if their partner ARF-D comes up
    with separate list with Armen Rustamyan heading it. As to the joint
    list he said they do not see any issue in it as well, with Raffi
    Hovannisian having stated that their movement is pan-national.

    "If a decision is made to come up with a joint list, naturally it
    will consolidate the united fight," he said.

    Martirosyan said the vector of the political fight has moved from
    presidential residence to the Liberty Square with the hunger strike of
    Raffi Hovannisian, who, in this way, has moved the vector on himself.

    The party's representative also said that not only criminal-oligarchic
    elements are in power but there are politically sensible people as
    well and voiced hope that they will have their impact and enter into
    a dialogue with the people proposing real solutions.

    Martirosyan said if nevertheless there were some unifications in the
    upcoming Council of Elders elections in Yerevan, neither of parties
    would have lost its dependence. He voiced opinion that the failure
    to unite is not agreed with ambitions. He said he is a bit aware of
    the situation and it was not the matter of ambitions.

    He added that each political force has a right to pursue own interests
    as it presents the interests of certain number of people.

    Martirosyan said it is the choice of each what stance to adopt,
    'but people are in the Liberty Square today both physically and
    spiritually despite pressures and threats.'
