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Parallels Of Independence Movements: Artsakh And United States

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  • Parallels Of Independence Movements: Artsakh And United States


    Posted by Contributor on March 12, 2013 in Opinion

    By Armen Sahakyan

    Already this year we have seen Barack Obama inaugurated as U.S.

    president on Martin Luther King, Jr.~Rs birthday and the European Union
    declare 2013 as the Year of the Citizen. Both of these celebrate
    democracy and liberty. A third event, less noted but important in its
    own way, is the celebration by the people of the Nagorno Karabagh
    Republic (Artsakh) of the 25th anniversary of their liberation
    movement, which led to the freedom they enjoy today.

    Twenty-five years ago, the brave men and women of Artsakh decided to
    fix Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin~Rs arbitrary and illegal decision to
    sever Artsakh from Armenia, and to rejoin with the Republic of
    Armenia. Following the existing Soviet Constitution and all
    appropriate laws, the Nagorno Karabagh Autonomous Oblast held a
    referendum, in which over 90 percent of the people voted in favor of
    reunification with Armenia. It was an extremely rare example of a
    human rights movement and a brave step toward freedom within the
    Soviet Union. The West enthusiastically backed the struggle of the
    people of Artsakh for self-determination and self-governance. After
    all, this was the driving principle for the American, French, Haitian,
    and other revolutions that took place in the last three centuries. Why
    should Artsakh be any different?

    Today, Artsakh serves as an oasis of democracy in the South Caucasus
    region. It holds regular and free elections, greatly praised by
    international observers and organizations. The economy of the country
    is growing each year, paralleled with a rising number of tourists.

    Recently, Artsakh rebuilt its airport to establish airway connections
    with third countries, only to witness neighboring Azerbaijan pass a
    law allowing its armed forces to shoot down ~SAir Artsakh~T civilian

    In January, we all celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr.~Rs birthday and
    the National Day of Service. Following Dr. King~Rs philosophy of
    non-violence to achieve justice, the people of Artsakh have made great
    sacrifices in the last two and a half decades. It all began with
    non-violent protests in Yerevan and Stepanakert, which were
    aggressively resisted by the Azerbaijani and Soviet authorities,
    resulting in a bloody massacre of Armenians in Baku, Sumgait,
    Kirovabad, and other locations. And so the long-repressed and
    mistreated people rose up to demand their rights for freedom,
    self-determination, and democracy, all engraved in and supported by
    numerous international legal documents.

    Azerbaijani authorities, drunk with petrodollars, have escalated their
    threats and acts of aggression. They have exponentially increased
    their military budget and begun a phase of unprecedented armaments
    buildup; declared the Armenians of the world as ~Stheir number one
    enemy~T; pardoned and praised an Azerbaijani soldier who murdered an
    Armenian soldier at NATO~Rs Partnership for Peace Program; intensified
    ceasefire violations on the border; and claimed Yerevan, the capital
    city of Armenia that will soon be celebrating its 2,800-year
    anniversary, is ~Shistorical Azerbaijani territory.~T The list goes on.

    Sadly, Azerbaijan~Rs destructive actions undermine prospects for
    regional security and prosperity, and even its own democratic

    Azerbaijan~Rs aggressive stance is enabled by the ~Sdiplomatically
    balanced~T statements coming from the OSCE Minsk Group and other world
    powers in the wake of every new Azerbaijani outrage. Rather than
    constraining Baku, these artificially even-handed responses only
    encourage greater aggression. Whereas Artsakh and Armenia have always
    maintained a position of resolving the conflict exclusively through
    peaceful means, and have never declared any group of people as their
    enemy, Azerbaijan has constantly threatened the world community with
    the possibility of war, and has increased its military budget
    exponentially year after year. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, ~SIn
    the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the
    silence of our friends.~T Where are the friends of peace when they are
    needed the most? Why expect Azerbaijan to step back from its march
    toward war if no one is willing to stand in its way?

    I do not wish to believe that the morality of humankind has sunk so
    low as to rank oil a higher priority than a people~Rs unalienable right
    to self-determination. The same right that allowed Americans to
    declare their independence in 1776 and the same right that the U.S.

    has vowed to protect for other nations should always be provided for
    all the people living on this planet. Now is the time to reaffirm our
    principles and stand up for the same rights upon which this great
    American republic was founded. The Artsakh Republic has constantly
    proven that it is capable of sustaining itself as a democratic,
    prosperous, secure, and independent country, and it deserves its own
    place among the free countries of this world.

    Armen Sahakyan is an honors student studying international political
    economy at Bloomfield College in New Jersey.

    From: A. Papazian