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Gagik Harutiunyan Forever

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  • Gagik Harutiunyan Forever

    Haik Aramyan

    14:49 12/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Some presidential candidates dispute the electoral process at the
    Constitutional Court to. The Constitutional Court is reviewing these
    applications and will dismiss them referring to lack of evidence.

    This is the scenario of all the previous elections since the
    establishment of the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court was
    established in 1995 after the adoption of the Constitution during Levon
    Ter-Petrosyan~Rs tenure. Gagik Harutiunyan was appointed president
    of the Constitutional Court. Earlier he used to be prime minister.

    The first test for the court was the presidential election 1996 when
    Vazgen Manukyan disputed the results of voting. The decision of the
    Constitutional Court was a legal masterpiece. It sent the government
    and the opposition into a deep confusion and despair as they were
    unable to understand what was written there.

    Later the Constitutional Court ~Slegalized~T a number of elections
    and one coup d~Retat although the originality of its decisions
    diminished from election to election. They became as boring as the
    lengthy speeches by Gagik Harutiunyan.

    Maybe the reason is that the government of Armenia is becoming coarser
    and harsher. Or maybe Gagik Harutiunyan is bored and disappointed
    with the monotony and results of elections. It is hard to tell.

    Nevertheless, he is gradually coalescing with the government. The
    government bought him an apartment and provided him with financial
    assistance, his friends and relatives got high positions, recently
    he has become Serzh Sargsyan~Rs in-law. Everything takes place in
    accordance with the law.

    Gagik Harutiunyan is an interesting official and an asked-for one.

    Nobody else can do everything and remain unnoticed and avoid scandals.

    Deprived of charisma and ambitions, Gagik Harutiunyan is irreplaceable,
    and Levon Ter-Petrosyan, Kocharyan and Serzh Sargsyan have appreciated
    this in him.

    The Constitutional Court is almost Holy See, and Gagik Harutiunyan
    is almost a secular catholicos, and both ~Slegalize~T the government
    before God and law.
