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Paper: Sargsyan Likely To Avoid Inauguration At Opera House

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  • Paper: Sargsyan Likely To Avoid Inauguration At Opera House

    VOTE 2013 | 14.03.13 | 11:38

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is likely to avoid having an
    inauguration in the Opera House, writes a local newspaper, mentioning
    the Sports and Concerts Complex (SCC) as a possible venue for the

    The Zhoghovurd daily says that "the ruling elite have not yet made
    a final decision in this regard, but the SCC appears to be 'the most
    suitable option'".

    The pro-opposition paper suggests that this way Sargsyan will also try
    to "steer clear" of opposition Heritage Party leader Raffi Hovannisian,
    who has been conducting a hunger strike in Liberty Square adjacent
    to the Opera House in protest of the February 18 election outcome
    and has declared his intention to continue his action until April 9,
    the day when the president-elect is to be officially sworn it.

    Before starting his hunger strike on March 10 Hovannisian warned
    that if Sargsyan decides to go ahead with the swearing-in ceremony,
    he will be inaugurated over his [Hovannisian's] 'dead body'. In his
    subsequent comments the opposition leader, who considers himself to
    be the rightful winner of last month's election, gave only vague
    explanations to what he said and it still remains unclear whether
    he meant literally starving himself to death or used it as a figure
    of speech.

    Hovannisian did not comment on the media publications suggesting that
    Sargsyan could prefer having a swearing-in ceremony at the SCC or in
    the yard of the National Assembly building as he held an improvised
    press conference in Liberty Square on Wednesday. He stressed again,
    however, that in any case "the Armenian people will have their
    inauguration on April 9".

    Hovannisian also said that he was still open to a meeting with
    Sargsyan to discuss ways of ending the current post-election crisis,
    but insisted that such a meeting be held in or near the square.

    Sargsyan's inauguration for the first term as president in 2008 took
    place inside the Opera House and before that he attended a parade in
    Liberty Square. Both events were closed to the public. No official
    information has yet been reported on the choice of the venue for the
    presidential inauguration.
