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Karabakh Ghetto

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  • Karabakh Ghetto

    Igor Muradyan

    11:10 14/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Over 25 years, despite the overwhelming majority of the Karabakh
    people, a ghetto is being created in Karabakh. A lot of patriots,
    heroes of war and Karabakh movement are participating in this process.

    This is the logic of provincial patriotism which, of course, has a lot
    of advantages and could direct people to self-sacrifice but it is
    doomed to political failure. It is not just a social law and
    historical reality but tragic predetermination.

    This philosophy is there in Karabakh which horrifies by its
    monstrously frank and ubiquitous nature. It is a shame to speak about
    it but ignoring it would mean letting this region degenerate. The
    Karabakh philosophy is, in essence, little different from similar ones
    in other provinces of Armenia but these "principles" are not
    introduced as a manifestation of heroism or ethnic uniqueness.

    The current status of ghetto in Karabakh can only be explained by that
    fact. Moreover, quite often we hear that the Armenians in Karabakh
    survived through ages thanks to this philosophy of conformism which is
    nothing but stupidity.

    Karabakh has always revolted and will revolt. This is its historical
    mission. Karabakh's problem is this absurdity introduced by natives of
    this region who imported blatant bourgeoisie and the vices of
    bourgeois society which were totally unfamiliar to the natives of

    Currently, Karabakh is undergoing a social decay and extremely strong
    stratification of the population, as elsewhere in the world, which is
    more or less tolerated anywhere else but not in this region which is
    still fighting its barbaric neighbor. The public administration is
    trying to maintain their status at a distance from the society,
    ignoring internal calls. The NKR political parties have proved to be
    obedient and servile groups which are supposed to sit quietly in the
    garbage dump.

    It should be noted that the political parties and politicians in
    Yerevan who have always been on good terms with the authorities in
    Karabakh as their political luggage have not expressed any opinion on
    the problems of Karabakh and they have been even funded by Stepanakert
    no one knows for what. In this regard, they have always remained
    politicians of the central districts of Yerevan. It cannot continued

    A valuable proposal has been made. If the official representative
    bodies cannot provide a forum for discussion and solution of issues,
    it is time to create an alternative parliament. First this option was
    practiced in 1918 and evoked in 1987 when the decision to create the
    parliament in Karabakh was adopted. This parliament was created in
    Yerevan in an apartment on Gnuni Street in 1987. Then, this parliament
    was convened in "emigration" but now the conditions seem to have
    changed and it would be possible to create an alternative parliament
    of Karabakh in Stepanakert.

    People need minimum respect at least to be heard and considered. In
    return for this they try to silence their own comrades. It's a shame.

    It is unacceptable, and those who try are very limited, greedy and
    stupid people.

    The function of the alternative parliament is to create a forum for
    not only expression of opinions and discussion of issues but also
    creation of political and civil groups and parties. This initiative
    could be defined as "anti-state" but if necessary anti-state
    activities will become quite legitimate.

    Once during one of the sittings of the NKR parliament in 1994, the
    first commander of the Karabakh armed forces Arkadi Karapetyan said,
    "When we first went to the square, we didn't ask for anyone's
    permission." We'll break through, guys, it is important to break
