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Oligarchs Disappeared

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  • Oligarchs Disappeared

    Naira Hayrumyan

    13:08 14/03/2013
    Story from News:

    Today, Constitutional Court will release its decision on the claims of
    ex-candidates for president who are disputing the election outcome.

    Raffi Hovannisian and Andrias Ghukasyan insist that Serzh Sargsyan
    interfered in the election process and votes were rigged in his favor.

    For now, the CC has already rejected two motions, so, by all
    appearances, it will reject the claims too. But one thing has already
    happened: questions were asked in the courtroom which had not been
    raised before. The point is about the responsibility of the ruling
    party and the president for the quality of the elections. The
    responsibility for the falsification of election was the leitmotif of
    Andrias Ghukasya's hunger strike.

    The CC decision won't be surprising for anyone, moreover, against the
    background of what the ruling party is doing now. The latter decided
    to bring into action all its MPs, allies and supporters which are on
    all TV channels. Each of them is trying to defend the ruling party for
    having staged the elections. Someone sneer at Raffi Hovannisian,
    someone says that he rocks the board.

    It is interesting that we can see on TV channels Republicans with more
    or less positive image. RPA's odious members are forbidden to appear
    on TV since they understood that those figures cause the opposite
    reaction. The oligarchs and all kind of Sharmazanovs have disappeared,
    and now the image of those, who were different from the rest, is being
    spoiled. The story of cancellation of Shushan Petrosyan's concert in
    Gyumri is the proof.

    Apparently, Serzh Sargsyan's spin doctors have no more weapons so they
    decided to send to the fight those, who have discredited themselves.

    Spin doctors brought back the five-year old level of television which
    is practically closed to the opposition again. But this brought to the
    situation when no one believes TV channels, which used to seem

    People don't believe them also because there are 2-3 channels which
    are trying to give an objective cover of the situation. Besides the
    number of internet users in Armenia is so high that it is difficult to
    mislead people with old soviet speeches on TV. Let alone Radio Liberty
    which is always on in public transport.

    Actually, the decision of the Constitutional Court will become another
    signal to the alienation of the currently existing discredited public
    institutions which have no place in real life. It is the
    Constitutional Court, several TV stations, the CEC, and the

    None of these institutions answered the question why Serzh Sargsyan
    won in those polling stations where 100% of turnout was registered. No
    one answered why the authorities don't want to unveil the list of
    voters. This step would have removed all accusations. No MPs with
    positive image will be able to disperse doubts until the list of
    voters is published. Their speeches will be perceived as attempts to
    defend their right to frauds.
