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Ankara: President Gul Given Royal Welcome In Sweden

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  • Ankara: President Gul Given Royal Welcome In Sweden


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    March 13, 2013 Wednesday 1:32 PM EST

    President Abdullah Gul and First Lady Hayrunnisa Gul were welcomed
    by King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia on Monday in the
    capital, Stockholm.

    Two royal carriages accompanied by 60 Royal Cavalry Guards brought Gul
    and his spouse to the courtyard of the Royal Palace where a formal
    military ceremony was held for the visiting Turkish president and a
    crowd of Turks and Swedes who watched the event. During the ceremony,
    Gul presented the king with the State Order of the Republic Medal of
    Turkey and the king gave Gul Sweden's highest order of chivalry, the
    Order of the Seraphim. Gul also presented the king with a duplicate
    of a letter written by Sweden's King Oscar to Sultan Abdulhamid II
    on July 11, 1897. He also presented him with a silk carpet as a gift.

    An unusual protest took place during the visit when a plane carrying
    a banner saying that Turkey should recognize the so-called Armenian
    genocide of 1915 circled around the palace a few times before leaving
    the area.

    The Turkish president and the first lady attended a luncheon hosted
    in their honor on Monday. Later, at the Business Forum President Gul
    Enhanced Coverage LinkingPresident Gul -Search using:Biographies Plus
    NewsNews, Most Recent 60 Dayshad a round table discussion with members
    of the Swedish business community. Following the closing ceremony of
    the Business Forum, Gul met with the heads of Turkish associations
    in Sweden and Turkish citizens living in the country. Gul also met
    with Per Westerberg, speaker of the Swedish Parliament, on Sunday.
