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Armenian Diaspora In USA Plans On South Caucasus

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  • Armenian Diaspora In USA Plans On South Caucasus


    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    March 14 2013

    David Stepanyan, Yerevan. Exclusive to Vestnik Kavkaza

    On Tuesday Vladimit Putin met his Armenian colleague. Serge Sargsyan's
    official visit to Russia is the first foreign visit of Armenian
    President after the elections. There are very few details on the

    Recent events in Armenia have caused close attention to be paid
    to the internal political situation in the republic: the leader of
    Heritage Raffi Hovannisyan, who was thought to be an outsider of the
    election campaign, suddenly won 37% in the presidential elections and
    refused admission of Sargsyan's victory. The attention appeared among
    administrations of leaders of the USA, the UK, and France. All of them
    encouraged Sargsyan to break the status quo over Karabakh and register
    the success in the Armenian-Turkish process. The recognition of the
    elections' results by the West and Russia means that foreign players
    can connect their interests in the region with prudent Serge Sargsyan.

    President of the USA Barack Obama told his Armenian colleague in his
    congratulatory message that Washington intends to contribute to the
    peacemaking process of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

    American President directly hinted at the necessity "of making a
    valuable step toward settlement, which will provide long-term peace
    and security." According to him, the USA want to continue working on
    the possible normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations.

    Some aggressive circles in Armenia and the environment of Raffi
    Hovannisyan have already characterized Obama's message as a demand "to
    leave the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh." The opposition criticized
    the State Secretary Kerry for proposing one-sided concessions for
    Armenia in the Karabakh settlement because there can be no other
    interpretation of the phrase "to change status quo." The opposition is
    sure that considering Turkey's demands and Armenia's interests, the
    USA expect a change to the status quo from Armenia, i.e. withdrawal
    from the territories. This is a price for the US congratulations and
    perspective support.

    This suggestion is quite possible because the initiative president
    of Armenia has many times demonstrated readiness to concessions. The
    readiness was shown after the initiation of the Armenian-Turkish
    process was based on failed protocols. However, Serge Sargsyan
    played his role to the West and it has enabled him to receive dubious
    congratulations after very dubious presidential elections.

    According to the head of the Armenian Center on National and Strategic
    Studies (ACSNI) Manvel Sarkisyan, the "pro-Russian attitude of
    Serge Sargsyan and pro-Western attitude of Raffi Hovannisyan are
    based on fairytales which were imagined by Armenian politicians who
    are far from political analysis; and it has nothing in common with
    the current reality." In international politics absolutely other
    factors are important. The interests of almost all superpowers are
    being implemented in Armenia today, and these interests often do not
    contradict each other.

    However, the deputy chairman of Heritage Armen Martirosyan doesn't
    agree with the expert's view. According to Martirosyan, Hovannisyan
    would never yield in ethnic issues, that is why many countries support
    Sargsyan. The main reason for this support is the position of the
    President on several important foreign political issues. "Sargsyan
    accepts the Madrid Principles of the Karabakh settlement and shameful
    Armenian-Turkish protocols. Hovannisayn does not. That is why they
    congratulate Sargsyan with the victory," Martirosyan is sure.

    Recently the US ambassador in Armenia John Heffern said in his
    video-blog that the US's goal toward Armenia is shifting Yerevan's
    views toward the West because "no country can depend on only one
    partner." The most interesting fragment of the ambassador's speech
    was the story on his visit of Armenian-populated towns of the USA
    in December, where he met representatives of Armenian Diaspora. The
    ambassador stated that Armenians from Diaspora "were interesting in
    Armenia's problems and were ready to contribute to changes in the
    republic." Actually Heffern hinted that the American policy in favor
    of Armenian society and diaspora could make the Armenian authorities
    - either new or old - take certain steps. The most important in
    this situation is a price for American readiness to encourage the

    Speaking about the US Armenians, the diplomat presented them as a
    guarantor that Armenia would have to pay for American support by
    concessions in a strategic issue. It is well-known that Armenian
    Diaspora in the US has a tough position on national-strategic problems,
    unlike the state policy of Armenia. Hovannisyan, who has come from
    California and doesn't recognize Sargsyan's power, is the best provider
    of such a policy directed against Russian presence in the region.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress