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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 03/14/2013

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 03/14/2013

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 686-0710
    Fax: (212) 779-3558
    Email: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY March 14, 2013
    Sunday of Advent

    ** Sunday of the Advent

    Early in our journey through Great Lent we observed the Sunday of the
    Expulsion, which retold the story of mankind's first disobedience, our
    exile from paradise, and the beginning of humanity's long history of
    separation from God.

    In a nice expression of symmetry and resolution, Lent concludes with
    the Sunday of the Advent (March 17, the sixth and last Sunday of
    Lent): that is, the coming of Jesus Christ, through whom God entered
    human history and restored what had been lost in the exile from Eden.

    The Advent calls to mind the birth and revelation of our Savior, his
    subsequent sacrifice for mankind, and his victory over sin and
    death. As the last Sunday of Lent, this day is especially devoted to
    the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, reminding us that he is our eternal
    Lord and King, and that just as everything once began with God, so too
    will everything one day end with Him.

    Click on the following links to learn more about Lent
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=b630db8f7e-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    in the Armenian Church, and to view our 2013 Lenten video series
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=b630db8f7e-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 66:1-24
    Col 2:8-3:17
    Mt 22:34-23:39

    ** Prayer of the Week

    We thank you, Father Almighty, who did prepare for us the Holy Church
    as a heaven, a temple of holiness, where the Holy Trinity is
    glorified. We thank you, Christ the King, who did grant us life
    through your life-giving and holy body and blood, grant us forgiveness
    in your great mercy. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    16 March: St. Gregory the Enlightener (Commitment to the Pit)

    17 March: Sunday of the Advent

    Pope Francis
    Pope Francis addresses pilgrims in St. Peter's Square.

    ** Buona Sera!

    The crowd in St. Peter's Square erupted into a shout of delight when
    it heard the familiar Italian greeting-`Good evening'-from Cardinal
    Jorge Mario Bergoglio: his first words spoken as His Holiness Pope
    Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.

    His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All
    Armenians, issued a warm congratulatory letter to his brother church
    leader, recalling their meeting during his 2011 Pontifical Visit to
    the new pope's native Argentina. `We fondly remember our meetings and
    prayers together with Your Holiness in Argentina,' the Catholicos
    wrote, `during which we came to know you as a good shepherd, and a
    courageous, wise, and just church leader. We are happy to avow your
    sincere love and affection shown towards the Armenian people.'

    Already news reports are remarking on the novel background Pope
    Francis brings to his new office: he is the first pope to come from
    the Western hemisphere; the first from the Society of Jesus. But his
    introduction to the world this week showed Pope Francis to be a man
    who embodies the age-old virtues of the Christian faith: humility,
    simplicity, a loving concern for the spiritual well-being of mankind.

    Addressing the crowd for the first time as pope, Francis bowed down
    and asked all those listening to remember him in their prayers. We
    join our Catholicos, our sister churches, and the world in offering
    prayers and good wishes to the new occupant of the Throne of
    St. Peter.

    New England Clergy Conference
    Clergy pose for a group photo at the retreat center in Connecticut.

    ** New England Clergy Meet for Lenten Retreat

    Clergy in the New England region gathered this week for the annual
    Lenten Retreat at the Holy Family Retreat Center in West Hartford,
    CT. The retreat centered on the Diocesan theme `Living the Gospel of
    Christ,' which participants considered through Bible study, the texts
    of church fathers, reflections, and worship.

    Clergy were especially pleased to spend time with the Very
    Rev. Fr. Krikor Maksoudian, and to share his wisdom and
    spirituality. Also taking part in the March 4-6 retreat was the
    Rev. Fr. Aram Mirzoyan, who is visiting the Eastern Diocese from the
    Tavush Diocese in Armenia.

    A similar retreat is planned for clergy in the Midwest next week.

    Diocesan Council Meeting

    ** Diocesan Council Prepares for Annual Assembly

    Meeting at the Diocesan Center on Thursday, March 14, members of the
    Diocesan Council finalized the agenda for the upcoming Diocesan
    Assembly and discussed the presentation of this year's Diocesan theme
    `Living the Gospel of Christ.' The Assembly will be hosted by
    St. David Church of Boca Raton, FL, from May 2 through 5.

    Council members also reviewed the 2012 budget and expenses, and
    drafted a 2013 proposed budget. The Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian,
    the new dean of St. Vartan Cathedral, made a presentation on his
    vision for the cathedral's programming. Reports were also heard on the
    ACYOA, Diocesan summer camps, and Diocesan facilities.

    Holy Week
    A relief on the northern wall of the St. Vartan Cathedral complex.

    ** Holy Week Services at St. Vartan Cathedral

    New York's St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral will observe Holy Week with a
    series of special services, culminating in the Easter Sunday
    celebration on March 31. Click here
    for a complete schedule of services at the cathedral. And be sure to
    contact your local parish
    for information on services in your area.

    On Easter Sunday, the Divine Liturgy will begin at 10:30
    a.m. Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, will celebrate the
    liturgy and deliver the homily. Immediately following the service, the
    Release of Doves ceremony will go forth on the cathedral plaza. This
    year, Ambassador Edward P. Djerejian will serve as the godfather of
    the doves ceremony. Some traditional children's Easter activities will
    also take place.

    FAR's Margarit Piliposyan gives a presentation at AmCham.

    ** FAR Joins American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia

    Last month, the American Chamber of Commerce in Armenia
    (AmCham) welcomed the Fund for Armenian Relief among its 13 newest
    member organizations. Margarit Piliposyan, FAR deputy country director
    and program director, introduced the organization's mission and
    programs during a meeting on public-private partnerships. Click here
    to visit FAR's blog and to view a video of the presentation.

    AmCham, the leading business association in Armenia, is comprised of
    some 100 members from various business segments representing U.S.,
    European, and local affiliations. AmCham represents its members'
    interests in Armenia to the Armenian government, international
    organizations, and to the wider business community.

    Walk Thru the Bible
    Parishioners taking part in Saturday's program at Holy Trinity Church.

    ** Philadelphia Parishioners "Walk Thru" the Old Testament

    On Saturday, March 9, over 100 people took part in "Walk Thru the Old
    Testament"-a unique opportunity to learn about the Bible-at Holy
    Trinity Church of Cheltenham, PA. The program was sponsored by the
    Diocese's Department of Youth and Education in generous partnership
    with Holy Trinity Church and St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church of
    Wynnewood, PA.

    The day's instructor, Roger Petersen, a professor at Cairn University
    in Langhorne, PA, offered brief explanations of content and led
    participants through gestures and mnemonic techniques to help them
    learn and remember the Old Testament story, from Creation through the
    prophetic voices that preceded the coming of Christ.

    The enthusiasm of the participants affirmed the Department of Youth
    and Education's vision of Christian education as a never-ending,
    life-long process. Last weekend's Walk Thru event is the third
    sponsored by the Diocese in different regions, in an effort to infuse
    parishioners of all ages with the infectious joy that comes from
    knowing Scripture and growing closer to Christ.

    Click on the following links to read more
    and to view photos

    Saintly Women's Day in Philadelphia
    Marge Tellalian Kyrkostas speaks at the Church of the Holy

    ** Saintly Women's Day Observed in New Britain

    The Church of the Holy Resurrection of New Britain, CT, observed
    Saintly Women's Day on Saturday, March 2, with a service and program
    commemorating the oil bearing women at Jesus's tomb. The
    Rev. Fr. Kapriel Mouradjian, parish pastor, and the Rev. Fr. Gomidas
    Zohrabian, pastor of St. George Church of Hartford, CT, led the
    service, during which Women's Guild member Rose Mosey read about the
    three women who discovered the empty tomb: Mary Magdelene, Mary of
    Clopas, and Mary Salome.

    A luncheon followed in the church's Abrahamian Auditorium. Guest
    speaker Marge Tellalian Kyrkostas, founder and executive director of
    the Flushing, NY-based Anthropology Museum of the People of New York,
    spoke about the all-volunteer museum. She highlighted its upcoming
    exhibit "Ladies From Your Past," which presents an overview of key
    female figures in world history. The exhibit, sponsored by the
    Anthropology Museum and the Armenian Cultural Educational Resource
    Center Gallery at Queens College, will run from May 17 through
    September 30.

    Ms. Tellalian Kyrkostas also screened a documentary short titled
    "After Water There Is Sand.' The film depicts an Armenian widow who
    travels to Armenia with her two daughters to fulfill her husband's
    dream of taking a family picture in front of Mt. Ararat.

    Members of St. Mark Church of Springfield, MA, and New Britain's
    St. Stephen Church also took part in the day's service and
    program. Click here
    to view photos.

    Fr. Daniel Findikyan
    Fr. Daniel Findikyan speaks about artwork depicting the oil bearing
    women at Jesus's tomb.

    ** Livingston Parish Welcomes New Jersey Women's Guilds

    On Saturday, March 2, the Women's Guild of St. Mary Church of
    Livingston, NJ, hosted a statewide Saintly Women's Day
    celebration. The Rev. Fr. Arakel Vardazaryan, parish pastor, and
    clergy from sister parishes led the service. Dickie Marashlian and
    Lucille Agababian read about the oil bearing women commemorated this

    A Lenten luncheon and program followed. The Very Rev. Fr. Daniel
    Findikyan, director of the Diocese's Krikor and Clara Zohrab
    Information Center, spoke about various paintings depicting the oil
    bearing women at Jesus's tomb. ACYOA Juniors members and men of the
    parish helped serve the luncheon.

    Participating New Jersey parishes include St. Leon Church of Fair
    Lawn, Holy Cross Church of Union City, St. Stepanos Church of Elberon,
    and St. Thomas Church of Tenafly. Click here
    to view photos.

    On March 8, as part of its Lenten lecture series, St. Mary Church
    welcomed Dr. Simon Ohanessian for a talk on fasting and the Parable of
    the Unjust Judge. On this occasion, the parishioners were honored and
    delighted by the presence of Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian, Primate of the
    Armenian Diocese of the United Kingdom and Ireland, and the brother of
    Dr. Ohanessian. Click here
    to view photos.

    Cultural Day in Racine, WI
    Chef Carrie Nahabedian gives a presentation on Armenian cuisine at the
    Barnes and Noble in Racine.

    ** Racine Bookstore Hosts "St. Mesrob Day"

    On Sunday, March 3, parishioners of St. Mesrob Church of Racine, WI,
    hosted "St. Mesrob Day" at the local Barnes and Noble store. Under the
    chairmanship of Irene Nahabedian, the community organized an afternoon
    of cultural, educational, and artistic programming.

    Speakers included Oscar Tatosian on Oriental carpets, renown chef
    Carrie Nahabedian on cuisine, Dn. Charles Hardy on historic Armenian
    churches, and Janet Mrazek on her book Door County Outdoors.

    On display were paintings by several professional artists of the
    parish: Mark Akgulian, Rob Jorgensen, Janet Mrazek, and George
    Solakian. Lillian Proctor, Matthew Hardesty, and Mitchell Proctor gave
    musical performances.

    In the children's corner Naomi Zeytoonian read from her book Freddie
    Fox, and Lisa Akgulian read Armenian folk tales. A special appearance
    was made my Mother Goose (Jeanette Lipari). Erik Sahakian-Fiegel
    taught chess and backgammon. Children also enjoyed arts and crafts
    with Marj Korakian and Tara Mikaelian.

    Click here
    to view photos.

    Fr. Tadeos Barseghyan
    Fr. Tadeos Barseghyan (far right) with other participants in this
    month's Muslim-Christian Dialogue in St. Paul.

    ** St. Paul Parish Takes Part in Muslim-Christian Dialogue

    The Rev. Fr. Tadeos Barseghyan, pastor of St. Sahag Church of
    St. Paul, MN, took part in the Muslim-Christian Dialogue at the
    University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, from March 7 to 9.

    The gathering focused on two topics: "The Nature of God" and "Faith
    and Culture." Participants included representatives of Protestant,
    Orthodox, and Muslim traditions.

    Vartanantz Day Celebration in Providence
    Armenian School students hold up illustrations of St. Vartan.

    ** Armenian School of Providence Organizes Parents' Night

    On February 12, the Armenian School of Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of
    Providence, RI, held its second Parents' Night of the 2012-2013
    academic year. Parents visited classrooms to observe instruction and
    to take part in the school's commemoration of Sts. Vartanantz Day.

    Students read essays they had written and illustrated on the Battle of
    Avarayr. Young people of all ages reflected on the significance of the
    event in Armenia's history, and shared what the sacrifices of the
    Vartanantz saints mean to them today.

    Click here
    to read second-grader Simone Semerjian's reflection.

    Upcoming Events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church | White Plains, NY
    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White Plains, NY, will screen
    "From Westchester to Zion and Ararat"-a video about the parish's
    September 2012 pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Armenia-on Friday, March
    15. The evening begins with worship at 6:30, followed by dinner at 7,
    and the screening at 7:45. For information, call the church at (914)

    St. Mary Church | Livingston, NJ
    St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, will hold a `Love Your Church Day'
    on Saturday, March 16, from 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers are needed to
    help clean the church in preparation for Holy Week and Easter. For
    information, call the church at (973) 533-9794.

    Holy Cross Church | New York, NY
    On Sunday, March 17, Holy Cross Church in Manhattan's Washington
    Heights neighborhood will host a salad-making class following church
    services. Garo Petrosyan will lead participants in the preparation of
    white bean salad, parsley salad or `tabule,' and Amenian-style potato
    salad. The class is free, but advance reservation is required. For
    information, contact Jon Simonian, Sr. at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Church of the Holy Resurrection | New Britain, CT
    The Women's Guild of the Church of the Holy Resurrection of New
    Britain, CT, will hold its annual Bake Sale on Saturday, March 23,
    from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Featured items include choereg, paklava,
    yalanchi, cheese boereg, string cheese, and more. Click here
    ( Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=b630db8f7e-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer for information. To order choreg, contact Hasmig
    Cannata at (860) 357-7702.

    Leadership Conference
    The retreat was held at the Roman Catholic Seminary of the Immaculate
    Conception in Huntington, NY.

    ** Youth Leaders Gather for Lenten Retreat

    Some 50 young people from parishes across the Eastern Diocese traveled
    to Huntington, NY, last weekend to take part in a Lenten retreat
    focused on this year's Diocesan theme, "Living the Gospel of Christ."
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Diocesan Primate, presided over the
    activities on March 8-10.

    "The Armenian Church is the stage upon which we can take up Christ's
    ministry," Archbishop Barsamian said. "Our pious ancestors have
    created such a rich, beautiful tapestry of traditions and experiences
    within our church. They created it so you could understand who Jesus
    Christ is; so you could follow him-and encourage others to do the

    The young people at the retreat were all participants in past Diocesan
    programs for youth leaders, including the 2010 Leadership Conferences
    and the 2011 and 2012 Youth Pilgrimages to the Holy Land. This month's
    retreat gave them an opportunity to study key points of Jesus'
    ministry: his preaching at the Sea of Galilee, his feeding of the
    multitude, the Last Supper in the Upper Room, his night spent at the
    Garden of Gethsemane, his suffering on the cross, and his resurrection
    revealed at the empty tomb.

    Through these experiences, the young people deepened their
    understanding of what it means to live the Gospel of Christ, and of
    how Jesus can guide their lives. They were also encouraged to consider
    how they can put their faith into action at their local parishes.

    On Sunday morning, Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy,
    with young people assisting on the altar and singing in the
    choir. After the service, each of the participants approached the
    Primate to receive his blessing.

    Click on the following links to read more
    and to view photos

    ACYOA Juniors Retreat
    Retreat participants enjoy a hike at Camp Wise in Chardon, OH.

    ** ACYOA Juniors Retreats Head to the Midwest

    Last weekend, close to 20 teens from St. John Church of Southfield,
    MI, and St. Gregory of Narek Church of Cleveland, OH, gathered for an
    ACYOA Juniors retreat at Camp Wise in Chardon, OH. Throughout the
    weekend the participants were encouraged to think about how they can
    share the light of Christ in their everyday lives.

    Jennifer Morris, the Diocese's Youth Outreach coordinator, led the
    retreat sessions and activities. The Rev. Fr. Hratch Sargsyan, pastor
    of St. Gregory of Narek Church, served as the weekend chaplain,
    leading morning and evening services and Bible study sessions, and
    answering questions. In addition to worship and educational sessions,
    participants enjoyed an outdoor hike and sports.

    On Sunday, the group traveled to St. Gregory of Narek Church for the
    morning service and the Divine Liturgy. The retreat concluded later
    that afternoon with lunch at the church. Click here
    to view photos.

    The final ACYOA Juniors retreat of the Lenten season will take place
    this weekend at Camp Hickory in Ingleside, IL. For information,
    contact Jennifer Morris at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .


    ** Registration Extended for Armenia Service Program

    The registration deadline for the ACYOA Armenia Service Program has
    been extended to March 29. This year's trip is scheduled for July

    The program of travel and service gives young adults (ages 18 to 28) a
    unique opportunity to discover their homeland and to serve its people
    in a meaningful way. In 2013, the service component of the trip will
    be carried out in partnership with the Fund for Armenian Relief and
    the Fuller Center for Housing.

    For information, click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=b630db8f7e-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a flyer, or contact Nancy Basmajian, ACYOA executive
    secretary, at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Summer Camps
    Flying high at St. Vartan Camp.

    ** Don't Miss the St. Vartan Camp Early Bird Deadline

    Registration is open for both St. Vartan Camp and Hye Camp. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=b630db8f7e-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    to view a camps flyer, or click on the following links to access Hye
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=b630db8f7e-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    registration materials and the St. Vartan Camp
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=b630db8f7e-February_9_20122_9_2012&utm_medium=email)
    online registration page. Early bird registration for St. Vartan Camp
    ends on March 15; register now to save.

    Both St. Vartan Camp and Hye Camp are actively seeking staff members,
    including nurses, lifeguards, nighttime security, camp office
    coordinators, instructors, and counselors. If you are interested, or
    know someone who is, contact Jennifer Morris, the Diocese's Youth
    Outreach coordinator, at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    Camp Dates
    St. Vartan Camp
    Session A, June 30 - July 13
    Session B, July 14 - July 27
    Session C, July 28 - August 10

    Hye Camp
    Two-week session, July 28 - August 10
    One-week session, July 28 - August 3
    One-week session, August 4 - August 10 (for those unable to attend
    week one)

    For information about the camp programs, contact Jennifer Morris at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .
