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Armenian Oppositionist Urges For President's Presence In Liberty Squ

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  • Armenian Oppositionist Urges For President's Presence In Liberty Squ


    14:06 ~U 15.03.13

    Smbat Ayvazyan of the opposition Republic party has called for
    President Serzh Sargsyan to visit Yerevan's Liberty Square for meeting
    Raffi Hovhannisian, his major rival in last month's presidential
    election, who now holds a hunger-strike.

    Considering the former opposition candidate's protest an extreme step,
    Ayvazyan said the current circumstances should urge Sargsyan to head
    to the protest site for "returning power to the people".

    "I have said personally that it isn't worth going [on a hunger-strike]
    as that is an extreme step. We still had steps which could have been
    taken, but the man has made his decision, and I respect it. I think,
    nonetheless, that Raffi Hovhannisian profoundly evaluates the existing
    situation in the country and finds it is necessary to take extreme
    steps," he said, adding that he supports Hovhannisian notwithstanding
    his disapproval of that form of protest.

    Hovhannisian, who considers himself an absolute winner in the February
    18 election, declared his hunger-strike after on Sunday, demanding
    Sargsyan's withdrawal. He had earlier said that the re-elected
    president's April 9 inauguration would be possible "only over my
    dead body".

    Ayvazyan said the former candidate had initially chosen right tactics,
    by starting a tour to different regions. "He should have visited many
    places before appointing a date for a gathering in Liberty Square,"
    he told

    Asked what can be expected on April 9, the Republic party's leader said
    there is still quite enough time until then to allow the authorities
    to thinks of possible steps.

    "Raffi has done his job; he went to the [presidential] residence to
    meet Serzh Sargsyan," he said. "It is now for Serzh Sargsyan to set
    aside his complexes to head to the square to have a public meeting
    and discuss what to do next," he added.

    Hovhannisian thinks the crowd in the square would have a normal
    reaction to Sargsyan's public appearance. "I am sure nothing out
    of the ordinary will happen. There will be no unusual call when he
    comes for a meeting with people. I think he is obliged to do that,
    but it is up to him to decide whether or not to do so," he added.

    Commenting on the authorities' remarks that Hovhannisian is not
    properly evaluating the situation, Ayvazyan said, "It doesn't matter
    how many people we now have here. What matters - and we are aware of
    it - what happened on the election day. The people went and rejected
    them; we know that, at least. Does it really matter how many people
    there are now?" he asked.

    From: Baghdasarian