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Armenian Law Students Association Petitions Amnesty International Re

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  • Armenian Law Students Association Petitions Amnesty International Re

    11:18, March 16, 2013

    Armenian Law Students Association (ALSA)

    Southwestern Law School

    3050 Wilshire Boulevard

    Los Angeles, CA 90010

    March 14, 2013

    Samantha Rodgers

    Chief Membership Mobilization Officer

    Amnesty International USA

    5 Penn Plaza

    New York, NY 10001

    Dear Ms. Rodgers:

    We are a group of concerned Armenian-American law students writing
    to express our deep concern regarding the reports of human rights
    violations during Armenia~Rs February 18, 2013 presidential election.

    We appeal to Amnesty International to assist the Armenian people
    in realizing their democratic aspirations by launching a supporter
    mobilization campaign.

    We strongly concur with your February 28, 2013 Public Statement that
    there is an urgent need for Armenian authorities to investigate
    election-related human rights violations. We do not ask Amnesty
    International to take a position on the outcome of the election, but to
    help mobilize and organize the public in their pursuit of a meaningful
    and impartial investigation into the many alleged human rights abuses.

    Per your statement, ~SAmnesty International calls on the relevant
    authorities to carry out prompt and impartial investigations into
    all allegations of rights violations during the elections and hold
    those responsible to account. The authorities must also guarantee the
    safety of participants at postelection protests and public meetings.~T
    These are fundamental rights which must be upheld, as protests are
    ongoing and the Constitutional Court has just denied a petition
    disputing official election results. Unfortunately, public trust
    in the Constitutional Court~Rs impartiality is weak, so we also ask
    Amnesty International to look into potential abuse of the rule of law.

    Judging by the passionate reaction from Armenians to reports of
    roughly 400 election irregularities, there is widespread support for
    a mobilization campaign. For the past month, protests have been made
    on a daily basis in Armenia, not only in Yerevan but in towns and
    villages across the country. At the risk of violent reprisals and
    loss of employment (and financial ruin), ordinary citizens in Armenia
    have openly protested election misconduct. University students are
    engaged in a brave strike that enjoys wide popular support. Diaspora
    communities in Los Angeles, New York, Paris and Brussels have rallied
    in solidarity with native Armenians.

    For many in the diaspora, the local Armenian response to what is
    perceived as an undemocratic electoral process is the most encouraging
    display of civic participation we have seen since Armenia became an
    independent Republic in 1991. We are inspired to do our part to support
    those at the forefront of the quest for a more democratic Armenia,
    and we urge Amnesty International to assist in that universal cause.

    Yours truly,

    Tamara Shahabian Voskanian ALSA Vice President On behalf of the
    ALSA Board
