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Unicef: Risk Is Inclusive: Young Armenians Portray Disaster Risk Red

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  • Unicef: Risk Is Inclusive: Young Armenians Portray Disaster Risk Red


    March 15 2013

    Risk is inclusive. Fourteen-year-old Margarita portrays a powerful
    message about disability in a video about disaster risk reduction.

    By Chris Schuepp

    GYUMRI, Armenia, 14 March 2013 - Margarita Sargsyan, 14, and her
    classmates at School #1 in Gyumri, the second biggest city of Armenia,
    are taking part in school lessons that might save their lives. They
    are learning about disaster risk reduction (DRR).

    There are no natural disasters

    Following the premise that there are no 'natural' disasters, only
    natural hazards, DRR aims to reduce the damage caused by such natural
    hazards as earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones through an
    ethic of prevention.

    DRR is a topic that resonates in the minds of the students, as Gyumri
    was hit by a massive earthquake in 1988. Twenty-five years later,
    one can still find remnants of the destruction. Older people talk
    about how almost 25,000 people lost their lives and tens of thousands
    of people were injured and lost their homes.

    Last week, Margarita was one of 15 youths who took part in a UNICEF
    OneMinutesJr. video workshop on disaster risk education, supported by
    the European Union humanitarian aid department (ECHO). The children
    developed story ideas on how best to prepare when facing some of
    the natural hazards in the area. They then filmed their stories and
    produced 60-second videos.

    Films produced during the five-day workshop were shown at an
    international meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, last month. Eight countries
    in the South Caucasus and Central Asia shared experiences on disaster
    risk reduction programming through the education sector, supported
    by the European Union and UNICEF.

    'Don't leave me behind'

    Child-led activities are central to helping school preparedness and
    community engagement. It is critical that all children, including
    girls and children with disabilities, who may be hidden at home or
    in institutions, be more involved in their communities.

    The film Margarita prepared at the workshop, Don't Leave Me Behind,
    takes place in the classroom. It is about an earthquake. In the film,
    Margarita starts crying when all the other children have run away,
    but then two boys come back into the classroom to get her out.

    Margarita uses a wheelchair. Until a year ago, her only option to
    get a basic education was to go to a daycare centre for children
    with disabilities. Last year, she made a presentation at the TEDxKids
    conference in Yerevan and received support from UNICEF to enable her
    to attend the new inclusive school in Gyumri. She has attended School
    #1 since September.

    According to her teacher Noyemzar Khachatryan, she has been welcomed
    by a "warm atmosphere" in the school and by her peers.

    Disaster risk education is woven into geography and other subjects
    Margarita studies.

    Serious about inclusive education

    The Government of Armenia introduced inclusive education law in 2005
    with support from UNICEF. Today, there are more than 100 inclusive
    schools in Armenia.

    Margarita still likes to visit the daycare centre to see her friends.

    She recently went back to spread the word about her video workshop
    and about DRR.

    The Armenian parliament is currently discussing amendments to the
    education law, whereby all schools in Armenia will become inclusive.

    All children, including children with disabilities, will be able to
    learn to prepare for the future and gain knowledge to save their lives.
