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Elections Devastate Armenia "From Sea To Sea"

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  • Elections Devastate Armenia "From Sea To Sea"

    2013-03-15 20:40:26

    February 18 presidential elections left a deep mark in our reality,
    bright display of which is that still ongoing in the political life
    of the country.

    Since ancient times, many Armenian citizens have chosen a migration
    path, this fact is not a secret, especially as statistics and not
    just every time prove this reality.

    In the first two months of the year for air path ("Zvartnots" airport
    in Yerevan and "Shirak" in Gyumri) 96192 people came to Armenia,
    and 115221 left. Compared to the same period last year the number of
    emigrants in January-February 2013 was increased by 2.455 people. Here
    are the official figures published by the General Directorate of
    Civil Aviation.

    Of course, this is a serious threat for the country in general, and
    for national security. What do we have, at that time the incumbent
    President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan during his election campaign
    disparaged expressed concerning the fact of farmer's sons' emigration.

    "Am I too blame that your sons have emigrated?"-That was still
    presidential candidate's review.

    And Sargsyan was reelected, and during this time, it turns out,
    people run away, by air or by land, it is not important. This rate of
    emigration after simple mathematical calculation leads to the clear
    conclusion that one "perfect" day there will be no more people in
    Armenia "from sea to sea", and the government will led emptiness,
    not even feeling guilt.

    All this, of course, can be attributed only to the presidential
    elections, and, in particular, with the election results, and if
    to add all of this reduced fertility in the country, the future of
    Armenia does not bode well.

    The only way out of this situation may be changes in our country, which
    will prevent migration, which grows day by day, destroying our country.

    Thus, it appears that the authorities are neglected, and the citizens
    migrate mainly without return, leaving the country at the mercy
    of fate. It is definitely a matter of national security, which was
    discussed at the presidential level, but, as it is already known, the
    authorities do not feel guilty for a mass migration of the population.

    Let us hope that as a result of the fundamental changes that pejorative
    process will eventually be prevented, and the level of awareness of
    the authorities still increase, and in addition to this the authorities
    will notice and respond to similar processes in our country.

    Gevorg Avetisyan
