Nazis Made Amazing Confessions Too
15:54 16/03/2013
Story from News:
Yesterday the State and Legal Committee approved the motion on the ad
hoc committee to study March 1 for discussion at the plenary meeting
of the National Assembly. If the RPA votes for the motion, the third
committee will be set up to study March 1. The motion was postponed
upon agreement between the RPA and ANC last year in order to avoid
political manipulations.
The head of Vanadzor office of Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Arthur
Sakunts said March 1 and 10 victims are again on the agenda in the
result of the political conjuncture or political deals. He noted that
March 1 and 10 victims should have been on the agenda of the
presidential election but all the parties refrained, so did the
`I understand at that time Serzh Sargsyan was prime minister, so he
would not put forth this issue but issue number one of the political
and civil discourse did not become a policy issue, which I explain by
premeditated silence of political subjects,' Arthur Sakunts says.
He notes that this is intended to distract people from the
presidential election. If this is another manipulation of March 1 to
address political aims, it is immoral because everyone is responsible
for March 1, first of all Robert Kocharyan.
`The fact-finding mission released the list of oligarchs whose
bodyguards received uniforms, which the special investigative service
was unable to reveal for five years,' Arthur Sakunts said, adding that
the main addressee of post-electoral evaluations is Robert Kocharyan
with his political satellites.
`A crime has been committed against the Republic of Armenia and we
held a national election when this crime has not been revealed. The
fact-finding group did not interview Robert Kocharyan, Seiran Ohanyan,
Haik Harutiunyan, Levon Ter-Petrosyan (as opposition leader), the
fact-finding group was closed whereas Serzh Sargsyan should have
endorsed it.' According to Arthur Sakunts, Vartan Oskanian was not
interviewed though he had made a statement on the state of emergency
of March 1.
`Will the ad hoc committee interview him?' he asks.
The human rights activist says during the trial in Nurnberg some
representatives of the Nazi government made amazing confessions.
`I think there will be people who will confess that they carried out
an order, and if the ad hoc committee is intended to reveal this
issue, and if they tell whose order they carried out, the main actor
will not be brought before the committee but before the prosecutor
general's office.
There need to be safeguards for an adequate and comprehensive
investigation. `If the majority agrees to this step, let's assume that
Serzh Sargsyan is also ready to make a testimony. If there is a wish
to set up such a committee, he must be ready to make a testimony, as
in normal countries. For example, Clinton made a testimony to the
Congress committee in regard to Monica Lewinsky,' Arthur Sakunts said.