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Ara Palamoudian, Chairman of Armenian Community & Church Council of

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  • Ara Palamoudian, Chairman of Armenian Community & Church Council of

    Interview of Ara Palamoudian, Chairman of the Armenian Community &
    Church Council of Great Britain, with `Greetings London' internet
    Newsletter and Website:
    Greetings London:

    In most of our smaller communities in the Diaspora, the setup of the
    Churches, around which the community structures are constructed,
    typically consist of a democratically elected Diocesan Council
    (Temagan Khorhourt) comprising of lay delegates and clerical
    delegates, and an Administrative Council (Varchagan Khorhourt). What
    is the setup here in our community and why?
    What are the responsibilities and role of the Communal and Church
    Council and how is it formed? To whom do they answer?

    Mr. Ara Palamoudian Chairman of the ACCC
    I would like to answer your first two questions together:
    One needs to know the structure of each of the three Armenian churches
    that function in the UK so as to understand the current structure of
    the Community.

    The oldest of the three churches is the Holy Trinity Church of
    Manchester. The church is owned by a Charity Trust but is managed by a
    Committee of Wardens who are elected by the members of the community
    in Manchester and surrounding areas. The Trust is autonomous and
    whilst the church functions under the jurisdiction of the Holy See of
    Etchmiadzin, the Trust and trustees have full rights and control over
    the church property and assets.

    The St Sarkis Church in Iverna Gardens, in Kensington is also owned
    and governed by a Charity Trust which was set up by the Benefactor,
    Calouste Gulbenkian. The trustees are not elected by the community,
    and any new trustee is invited into office by the exsting trustees. A
    trustee can remain in office for life. The trustees are not answerable
    to anyone for their decisions, and have full control of the St Sarkis
    Church property and its other assets. The Trust has its own capital
    and also receives contributions from the `St Sarkis Trust' which is
    another Charity Trust set up by Mr Gulbenkian.

    In the late 1950's and early 60's, there was a large influx of
    Armenians mainly from Cyprus and Iran, and some other Middle Eastern
    areas, and the community number rose to a few thousands, and the
    Community Council of the time felt there was the need for a church
    managed by the community, for the community. They therefore decided to
    lease a church building from the Church of England, initially in St
    Johns Wood and later the St Peters Church in Cranley Gardens,
    Kensington. The Community Council was renamed the `Community and
    Church Council of Great Britain'
    (ACCC) and so as to fund the running expenses of the community's
    church and also all the other functions carried out by the ACCC, a
    community `community contribution' was introduced. So as not to create
    the burden of a `compulsory levy' upon the community, the community
    contribution has always been a voluntary one. Naturally it is hoped
    that every adult member of the community would recognise his or her
    responsibility and make the minimal payment which is currently £20 per

    For some 20 years the community leased the St Peters Church for a
    nominal rental from the Church of England. The church building was
    aged and in need of extensive renovation which the community could not
    afford. Luckily, the well known benefactor, Mr Vatche Manoukian, came
    forward and purchased the property from the Church of England and
    renovated the church to the splendid standard which it is in today,
    and having renamed and re-consecrated it the `St Yeghiche Church', Mr
    Manoukian made the church available again to the ACCC for the
    community's church services.

    Mr Manoukian etablished a Trust to look after the building of the
    church and we are most grateful to him that apart from providing the
    church building, his Trust also pays all the maintenance expenses of
    the church building such as cleaning, heating and electricity. I must
    stress that although the Manoukian Trust maintains the church
    property, it does not in any way involve itself with the running or
    management of the church in its eclesiastical sense, which is the
    responsibility of the ACCC. That is to say, the ACCC is responsible
    for the functioning of the community's church and responsible for
    paying for its clergymen and all other church functioning expenses.

    I read the Editorial Column of your issue which was published last
    Thursday, 19th November, and the impression you give about St Yeghiche
    may be inaccurately construed. Whilst the St Yeghiche church building
    does belong to the Manoukian Trust, Mr Vatche Manoukian has remained
    faithful to his word when he purchased the building, and he has
    returned the free use of the church to the Armenian Community & Church
    Council, and the ACCC has full and complete authority over the
    management of the community's church. Naturally, as with all churches,
    in all acclesiastical matters, the church and its clergymen are under
    the direction of the Primate of the Armenian churches in the U.K.

    Speaking about the St Yeghiche Church, I may have agreed with your
    arguments in your Editorial had the situation been that the Manoukian
    Trust appointed the church pastor and became involved in the
    management of the `church' in its `ecclesiastical' sense, however,
    clearly that is not the case, and I am convinced also, that it was
    never Mr Manoukian's intention for it to be so. We are most fortunate
    and grateful to the benefactor for free use of the church building -
    with heating, cleaning and lighting all paid for - the ACCC does not
    receive financial support from Mr
    Manoukian for the management of the church and it is up to the ACCC to
    find the funds to pay for our share of the Primate's stipend, the
    pastor for church services and all other church running expenses,
    which, by the way, amount to about £45,000 per year. The ACCC has no
    hidden sources of funding and unless every member of the community who
    attends the community's church and makes use of its services, pays the
    small annual contribution request of them, then the community's church
    and the other functions organised by the ACCC for the community could
    continue to be maintained. To support the ACCC is a community duty,
    and I would like to appeal to every member of our community not to
    neglect their responsibilities.

    The structure of the ACCC is as follows:

    Every four years those members of the community who have registered
    themselves with the ACCC and have paid their Community Contribution
    elect seventeen persons to serve on the Community's Council.

    The Council appoints its Executive Committee which normally comprises
    some members from the Council together with volunteer members of the
    community. The Executive Committee is entrusted with the day to day
    business of the community and it is responsible for the proper
    functioning of the community's church, collection of the Community
    Contributions, etc. To assist the Executive in its duties, the
    Executive appoints various sub committees and the unsual ones are (a)
    The Church and Pastoral Committee, (b) the ACCC's Ladies Committee,
    (c) the Heritage and
    Cultural Committee, (d) Community Contribution and Membership
    Committee and (e) the `e' Committee which deals with Information
    Technology and has just assumed responsibility for the ACCC's new

    Apart from its responsibility for the functioning of the community's
    church, the ACCC also deals with all matters in the interest of the
    community. The ACCC has a close interest upon the K. Tahta Armenian
    Community Sunday School which was started by the ACCC and the ACCC
    appoints the school's trustees. We also, pursue all matters of
    national interest such as campaigning for recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide and also of course we do all we can within our limited
    resources to support and maintain relationships with Armenia and the
    Armenian Embassy in London.

    You will see that the structure of the ACCC is very much in the lines
    of the `Diocesan Structure' you describe in your first question,
    although its remits are much wider since it functions as a universal
    representative body of the British Armenian community, and within its
    sphere of responsibilities is of course included the community's

    The Armenian Community & Church Council is the only body which is
    democratically elected by the registered members of the community, and
    naturally, as in all democratic systems, the Council is answerable to
    its electors, the community. Every registered and contribution paying
    member of the community is entitled to question the actions of the
    Council and is entitled to exercise his or her democratic right to
    elect the Council and also to stand for election to membership of the
    Council. All the rules and regulations are clearly defined in the
    Constitution of the ACCC and a copy can be emailed to anybody who asks
    for it by emailing [email protected].

    What are the main problems and concerns that the C and C council has,
    taking into account the multicultural and multiethnic country in which
    we live?
    We are extremely fortunate to be an ethnic minority in the United
    Kingdom since as you say, we live in a multicultural and multiethnic
    State and as British Armenians, we enjoy complete freedom to cultivate
    our ethnic culture and traditions and to enjoy freedom of speech and
    worship. Concerns naturally exist, as in all similar societies
    throughout the World, about dangers of assimilation and gradual loss
    of our national identity and culture.

    The widespread use of English and parallel to that the dwindling
    numbers of adults and young persons who use Armenian in their homes
    and in between themselves is a worrying trend. What are we doing to
    stem the tide? Are the measures we have taken effective?
    The concern you express about the diminishing use of the Armenian
    language within the younger generations is a most serious one and the
    problem exists throughout the World except in Armenia. Communities in
    countries where the national culture and religion has been vastly
    differing to ours, for example in non-christian societies, the
    Armenian community has had the need to congregate around its church,
    schools and clubs, and the use of the language has been somewhat
    preserved. However, as we all know, in the USA and Europe, the battle
    is being gradually lost due to
    the pressures of modern life, and indeed, even the need for advanced
    levels of education which can only be obtained in the language of the
    host country.

    I cannot accept any argument put forward in the lines that in larger
    Armenian communities, there are flourishing Armenian schools. Firstly,
    even the students of those schools turn to speaking English, French
    etc as soon as they are outside the school gates, and secondly, I am
    aware of only one or two educational establishments which teach to
    University level. Therefore, of necessity, every young Armenian must
    be profficient in the language of the host country and therefore also
    of necessity, Armenian will inevitably be the young person's second
    language. Most regretably, my
    opinion is that we must reconcile ourselves to these realities.
    However am not saying that we should succumb to these pressures, but
    must do our utmost that our children become either bi-lingual or at
    least attain a satisfactory command of Armenian as their second
    language, and I am convinced that however hard we try to teach the
    Armenian language in our full-time schools and Saturday or Sunday
    schools, there is the absolute need to instil withing the young person
    the Armenian identity, and that can be achieved only by our youth
    spending time in Armenia as young
    students, charity workers, in summer camps especially arranged for the
    youth, etc. I am certain that the whole mindframe of a young Armenian
    changes and he or she assumes pride in being Armenian once he or she
    visits Armenia and witnesses the fact that everything around him or
    her is `Armenian', and that it is OK to be `Armenian' and to be proud
    of being one.

    In reply to the final part of your question, the measures taken thus
    far have not been fully effective for the reasons I have stated, but
    they were the best possible under the circumstances. Now that Armenia
    is freely accessible, I am optimistic that the tide will gradually
    turn and our younger generations, because of their contact with
    Armenia, will want to be bi-lingual, and indeed, also more energetic
    and active members of the Armenian community, wherever they live.

    In London, we have branches of nearly all our national organisations:
    cultural, spiritual and political. How would you characterise the
    relationship of these organisations with the Council? And how would
    you assess their work?
    The Council not only wishes to encourage the activities of all
    Armenian organisations, but we would be very happy to maintain good
    relations with all of them and to assist if at all possible. The
    Council is elected democratically by the community and therefore any
    person with whatever political conviction could be elected to serve in
    the Council. The Council is non-political, and it represents all the
    members of the community without discrimination. As you say, there are
    a number of political organisations, cultural and charitable
    organisations, and also religious, and if their work is for the
    benefit of the community, then we wish them well. It is our duty to
    support and encourage and respect all, and we
    hope that the courtesy would be reciprocated.

    Just recently, Turkish President Gul, the president of a country
    occupying a fellow EU state, Cyprus, the president of a country
    repressing all kinds of civil liberties and so on and so forth, was
    honoured and awarded a prize for his alleged work in promoting
    international relations. Yet not a single cry of protest was made by
    us. How do you explain this and do you justify our silence?
    The ACCC is mandated to look after the interests of the British
    Armenian Community and in that capacity we pursue the generally
    accepted issues which interest the Armenian Nation in general and
    British Armenian community in particular.

    Although, quite a sizable community, our community has not managed to
    acquire or establish even an elementary school of her own. What are
    the reasons for this and how does this affect the upbringing of our
    youth and their feelings of a national identity?
    We are a microscopic community of a few thousand within a metropolis
    of over 10 Million and Armenians are dispersed over many hundreds of
    square miles which comprise the London Metropolitan area. Although
    there is a fair concentration of Armenians in West London, I think
    that when it came to reality, we would not be able to muster a
    sufficient number of students. Secondly, as I mentioned previously,
    the level of education in such a school would need to be of a very
    high standard, and the cost of purchasing and maintaing a school with
    the qualified staff that would be needed is way beyond our means, and
    the number of students we could muster would probably not be
    sufficient to qualify for government assistance. However, in due
    course, I hope our aspirations will be realized, and we will be able
    to establish the first full-time school in London. In fact, with the
    recent introduction by the Government of independent Academies, it
    would be prudent to make appropriate study of the possibilities. In
    the meantime, in London we have two one-day-per-week schools, one on
    Saturdays and one on Sundays, and I would encourage all parents to
    take their children to these schools where the Armenian language and
    culture and heritage is taught to a high standard.

    The European Union encourages and supports efforts by minority groups
    to keep and develop their national identity. Most of our communities
    in the other EU countries receive incentives and generous
    contributions from the EU for maintaining national schools,
    newspapers, cultural activities and so on. Does this apply to the UK?
    If yes, then does our community use these facilities? If no, have we
    made representations through UK's EU parliamentarians to this effect?
    I am not aware of any assistance being received from the European
    Union by any Armenian school or organisation in the UK. I am certain
    that both schools would be glad to receive such assistance, and
    perhaps after they have read this interview, their governing boards
    will wish to look into the possibilities. The ACCC would of course
    assist and make representations on their behalf if we are asked to
    intercede or assist. The only assistance that I am aware of that the
    community's K. Tahta Sunday School used to receive from abroad was a
    grant of £4,500 from the multi-million Eurorich Gulbenkian Foundation
    of Lisbon, and I am very sad to inform you that even that minimal
    contribution was cut off about two years ago, by the Armenian Section
    of the Foundation, with the feeble excuse that they are short of

    As Chairman of the Council, what is your vision for our community and
    what you would have liked to see there?
    In an increasingly strenghtening secular world, and with the emergence
    of an independent Republic of Armenia, I am convinced that communities
    in the Diaspora should no longer exist as `religious groups'. Each
    community should have a religious as well as a secular structure and
    therefore the community should have a democratically elected Community
    Council to represent it and to attend to not only the community's
    religious needs, but also to its secular and political needs. Such a
    community with a strong structure would receive proper acknowledgement
    from the authorities and would be able to command respect and
    influence. The Armenian Community and Church Council which has existed
    for over sixty years, is based exactly on such a structure, and what I
    would like to see is for every member of the community to have pride
    in its representative Council and to support it.

    The annual functions to commemorate April 24 such as the Commemorative
    Evening and the Commemorative March are organised by committees of the
    ACCC. The annual Celebration of the Independence of Armenia is
    organised by a committee of the ACCC. The K. Tahta Sunday School was
    established by the ACCC and functions under our auspices, and as I
    mentioned previously, the ACCC appoints its Trustees. The Church
    Services at the community's St Yeghiche Church is the responsibility
    of the ACCC.

    Behind the scenes, we become involved as the Community's Council in
    protecting and assisting persons of Armenian ethnic origin. As an
    example, we have made strong representations to the Government on
    behalf of Armenians who have been on the verge of deportation, and I
    am glad to say with success. Recent examples are our involvement in
    the prevention of a mother and daughter, and on another occasion, of a
    young man, of Armenian ethnic origin, from being deported to
    Azerbaijan and certain ethnic persecution.

    The ACCC also actively supports charitable activities in Armenia and
    very recently raised in the region of £30,000 by its `Kashadagh
    Redevelopment Committee' for rebuilding homes in Karabagh.

    The ACCC was instrumental in negotiating with the St Sarkis Church and
    the Holy Trinity Church in Manchester for the preparation of a
    Diocesan Constitution under which the three churches would for the
    first time come together to form a Diocesan Assembly of the United
    Kingdom and Ireland and would thus strengthen and consolidate the
    Armenian Church of the UK. The draft constitution has been submitted
    to His Holiness the Catholicos of All Armenians, and we are awaiting
    his ratification.

    All these functions carried on by the ACCC are achieved by the
    voluntary work of the members of the Council and the ACCC's various
    committees. Nobody receives a salary. All that is expected from our
    brothers and sisters in the community is for them to realize their
    responsibilities, and to support their Council, first of all by
    registering as members of the community and of the St Yeghiche Church,
    and secondly but equally importantly, by making the very small annual
    Community Contribution which is expected of them. Registration is free
    and forms are available at St. Yeghiche Church and through the ACCC's
    website - . Without those contributions the
    Council could not function. If every Armenian paid the £20 per year
    that is asked, then we would have sufficient funds not only to
    maintain the Church, assist our schools, and carry out all our other
    activities, but the Council could then look towards acquiring a
    suitable Community Centre which is so very sorely needed. If we could
    afford a Community Centre - even if one had to be rented initially -
    it would create the opportunity for the members of the community and
    especially the youth, to convene in an Armenian environment and create
    friendships and relationships with other young Armenians. An Armenian
    community anywhere in the world could not survive unless it enjoyed
    the benefits of a Community Church, a Community School and a Community
    Centre with cultural activities. All these are complementary to each
    other. All are achievable, and I hope that with the help of our
    community, the ACCC will be able to maintain those that already exist
    and achieve those that this community is still lacking.
