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Raffi Hovhannisian will never put his voters under risk, says rock m

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  • Raffi Hovhannisian will never put his voters under risk, says rock m

    Raffi Hovhannisian will never put his voters under risk, says rock musician

    13:02 - 17.03.13

    Armenian rock musician and singer Vahan Artsruni doesn't think former
    opposition candidate Raffi Hovhannisian will ever put his electorate
    under the threat of bullet.

    Speaking to, the musician said the Heritage party's leader,
    who is now on a hunger-strike in Yerevan's Liberty Square, will prefer
    to suffer himself rather than put his supporting crowd under risk.

    `He is trying not to deviate from the right path. All the political
    manifestations are strictly within the Constitution. After such a
    pre-election period that required an over-tension of physical
    potentials, he declared a hunger-strike. So it s necessary to realize
    what it means and what Raffi Hovhannisian is going through for the
    sake of the ideas and beliefs he is serving for,' he said.

    Hovhannisian, who received 37% of votes in the February 18 election,
    was the second-placed candidate after President Serzh Sargsyan,
    according to official voting results. But he claims the election was
    marred by fraud to secure Sargsyan's second term. The politician
    declared a hunger-strike last Sunday, calling on the re-elected
    president to step down.

    Commenting on the authorities' steps in the present circumstances,
    Artsruni said he hasn't seen any differences in the ruling circles'
    political solutions in the past 20 years.

    `This is not something new. It is impossible, so Raffi Hovhannisian's
    campaign is as logical as is the form of government in terms of its
    attitude to not only Raffi [Hovhannisian] but also the Armenian
    nation,' he addd.

    As for the intellectual circles' activeness in the current popular
    movement, the musician warned against any attempts to separate
    intellectuals from public at large.

    `Intellectuals are an integral part of the people, so that distinction
    is an artificial Soviet-time invention that remains adopted to date. I
    do not admit of any stratification. Intellectuals will remain
    inseparable from the people, as they have always been. You cannot cite
    a historical episode that saw intellectuals separated from people,' he

    The musician compared Hovhannisian's Revolution of Salute with the
    1988 national awakening period which also began in Liberty Square.

    `If we speak of the demand for justice and changes in the quality of
    life, it is definitely possible to draw parallels in this respect.
    What we are now talking of is whether we will change the quality of
    life. When the authorities possess the tool capable of raising the
    army against people, the resources that the same people or the public
    can demonstrate are naturally restricted. But that the people have
    realized - by and large - that it is necessary to change the quality
    of life is obvious,' he noted

    Though convinced that the current developments will yield a tangible
    result, Artsruni says it isn't something to be achieved within just a
    couple of days.`We have witnessed those manifestations several times
    in the recent years. I believe in them and I am proud,' he added.

    The tent will be placed in the evening

    Comment after the Constitutional Court's published decision

    Raffi Hovannisian held a press conference
