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Victims of genocide find a voice

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  • Victims of genocide find a voice

    Whittier Daily News (California)
    March 14, 2013 Thursday

    Victims of genocide find a voice

    By Peter Fullam, Staff Writer

    WHITTIER -- One of the stalwarts in the fight to tell the truth about
    history, Jewish historian Deborah Lipstadt, offered a few simple words
    to live by, for everybody, but especially to the students, who have
    more years ahead of them, she noted, at her talk Wednesday night at
    Whittier College.

    "When you see evil, say 'no,'" she said.

    Lipstadt is perhaps best known for winning her libel trial in London
    in 2000 against David Irving who sued her for calling him a Holocaust
    denier and right-wing extremist in her 1993 book, "Denying the
    Holocaust." The judge found Irving to be a Holocaust denier, a
    falsifier of history, a racist and an anti-Semite, according to Emory
    University, Atlanta, where Lipstadt is a professor of modern Jewish
    history and Holocaust studies.

    She gave the 2013 Feinberg Lecture, this year titled, "Genocide and
    Justice - A Retrospective Look at the Trial of Adolph Eichmann,
    Jerusalem 1961." Lipstadt's book, "The Eichmann Trial," marked the
    50th anniversary of the Eichmann trial.

    It was the first time in 2000 years that Jews were allowed to sit in
    judgment of non-Jews, she said.

    But the most important legacy of the Eichmann trial, she said, was
    that it gave a voice to the survivor.

    "It had a forensic impact, a legal impact in terms of war criminal
    trails, but I think it also more importantly it gave a new stature to
    the voice of the survivor. That the world listened," she said in an
    interview before her lecture.

    "It isn't that survivors of the Holocaust hadn't spoken about what
    happened to them before that. They had. But the world listened to them
    in a way it hadn't listened to them in a way it hadn't before. "

    During her lecture, Lipstadt told the story of one German soldier who
    helped the Jews escape the Nazi "final solution." If more of humanity
    acted in similar ways, the world would not have Holocausts, Rwandas,
    and Armenian genocides.

    Lipstadt said she took an unlikely route to opposing Holocaust
    deniers. It began at the suggestion of two renowned Jewish historians.
    Given their stature, she agreed, thinking it would be a one or two
    year job.

    "They said to me, 'Deborah, you really should work on this topic.' And
    I said to them, ... 'What are you, nuts?' I didn't say it that way
    because they were such distinguished men, but basically that was my
    reaction. This is like flat earth theory. Who takes them seriously?
    But they said to me, 'We think its a real problem.' "

    She came to the conclusion that they were correct.

    The world is now reaching that stage now, she said, as Holocaust
    survivors die off and there will no longer be witnesses to the
    genocide who can tell the story.

    The Eichmann trial fits the pattern, because like virtually every
    other Nazi war criminal who was tried for his crimes, Eichmann did not
    deny that the Holocaust happened.

    "Eichmann was an unrepentant anti-Semite," said Lipstadt. "Even 11
    years after the Holocaust, 1956, in Argentina, he talks about how
    happy he was to have participated in the murder of the Jews.

    "David Irving never hurt, as far as I know, never hurt a person. But
    he's motivated by that same kind of anti-Semitism. Motivated by that
    same kind of hatred. "

    The Holocaust was the most well-documented genocide in history. And
    many other genocides likewise are well-documented and have many

    "The thing to understand about deniers is that it's not like they
    didn't get the memo that it happened. They didn't see the documents.
    They skipped the book that would have convinced them. If only they had
    read one more book, seen one more document. It's not that at all. It's
    that these are people who are motivated by an anti-Semitism. These are
    people who are motivated by racial prejudice. These are haters. "

    Lipstadt said that while Hitler tried to destroy a people, the
    Holocaust deniers are bent on trying to destroy the history of what
    happened. And once you start destroying history, while it may not lead
    to another genocide, it's a very dangerous thing, she said.

    The Feinberg Lecture Series is made possible through an endowment by
    the late Sheldon Feinberg, a former trustee of Whittier College, and
    his wife, Betty, to invite scholars to the college to discuss
    historic, religious and political issues encompassed by Judaism and
    its role in a changing world.
