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Egyptian Christians look to the new pope for comfort

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  • Egyptian Christians look to the new pope for comfort

    March 15, 2013 Friday

    Egyptian Christians look to the new pope for comfort

    One of the many challenges facing the new pope is how best to help
    Christians who feel persecuted in North Africa and the Middle East.

    In Egypt which has one of the largest Christian communities in the
    region out reporter asked Bishop Krikor Augustinos Coussan, Primate of
    the Armenian Catholic Community there what Christians were hoping from
    Pope Francis :

    "We ask the pope to use all his power to bring a comprehensive and
    equitable peace especially in the Middle East, the country of Jesus
    and the apostles who carried the gospel of Christ and his teachings to
    the whole world."

    Many Christians living in Egypt and neighbouring countries have
    watched with alarm as Islamist parties have gained influence in the
    wake of the Arab Spring revolutions.

    Our reporter in Cairo Mohammed Shaikhibrahim, said: "While pursuing a
    dialogue and maintaining the peaceful coexistence between Eastern
    Christians and Muslims there are critical issues awaiting
    consideration by the new pope. What will be his policy to avoid any
    tensions in the area where there are many conflicts and changes
    happening both locally and in the wider region known to be the cradle
    of three of the world's major religions."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress