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Opposition letter urges European party to review stance on Armenian

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  • Opposition letter urges European party to review stance on Armenian

    Mediamax, Armenia
    March 14 2013

    Opposition letter urges European party to review stance on Armenian election

    Yerevan, 14 March: International secretary of the Heritage party
    Stepan Safaryan sent a letter to President of the European People's
    Party (EPP) Wilfried Martens.

    It should be noted that Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan will take
    part in the EPP Summit in Brussels today.

    Stepan Safaryan's letter reads this:

    "Dear Sir:

    "As you know, on 18 February a presidential election took place in
    Armenia. It was contested primarily by the leaders of two parties -
    the ruling Republican Party and the opposition Heritage Party - both
    observer members of the EPP.

    "Before the campaign you had conveyed your warm wishes to both
    candidates, and expressed your hope for the conduct of a free, fair,
    and democratic election. Despite the incumbent's numerous promises,
    the election was anything but free and fair. In fact its results were
    systematically falsified, as the incumbent Republican candidate tried
    to steal victory by a process of serial ballot-stuffing,
    ballot-stealing, and multiple-voting. It remains something of a
    miracle that, despite the incumbent's vast abuse of state resources
    throughout the campaign, [Heritage leader] Raffi Hovhannisyan earned
    the majority of actual votes - not only in every major city, but also
    in most areas throughout the republic.

    "The attached file includes an analysis of the official election
    results produced by the independent organization Policy Forum Armenia
    (whose findings have been affirmed by several statisticians throughout
    the world, including Frederik Sjoberg of Columbia University), the
    Interim Report from ODIHR, and a testimonial letter from one of the
    distinguished OSCE observers himself. These documents speak for
    themselves and complement a vast body of evidence, both testimonial
    and captured directly on video, of the fraud that took place on 18
    February. This is proof not merely of incidental violations here and
    there with no clear effect on the outcome, but rather of a deliberate,
    professional disenfranchisement of the Armenian citizen's democratic

    "In short: Raffi Hovhannisyan earned a vast majority of votes in
    nearly every precinct where average voter turnout was registered,
    while Serzh Sargsyan received nearly or more than 100 per cent of
    actual votes everywhere with impossible voter turnouts of 80-99 per

    "As the de facto president Serzh Sargsyan travels to foreign countries
    and receives congratulations on his false victory, Raffi Hovhannisyan
    - the candidate overwhelmingly elected by the Armenian people - has
    begun a hunger strike to demand recognition of the true election
    results. He has also been open to the possibility of a second round

    "Mr Martens: Armenia has no future without democracy and free
    elections, without a legitimate president, without compliance with
    international standards and its own Constitution. The Armenian people
    simply can no longer afford to live under a ruler they did not elect.
    Their disenfranchisement has nearly robbed them of all faith in their
    nationhood. We urge you to reconsider, in correspondence with the
    EPP's very own values and standards, your decision to congratulate the

    "We hope that the EPP will recognize the legitimate vote of the
    Armenian nation and will not contribute to the deepening of the
    political crisis which has developed in Armenia. Rather, it must
    become a true champion of democracy - not of this or that political
    party, but of the Armenian people, who made their rightful decision
    with definitive hope and courage on 18 February.

    "If your presidential determination - which flies in the face of
    European benchmarks of the rule of law, civil liberty, and democratic
    justice - becomes the official institutional policy of the entire EPP
    family, we shall be compelled to re-evaluate our membership in our
    great organization that has, most regrettably, deviated from the
    fundamental precepts, values, and commitments which we seemed to
    share, and which were the foundations of our application."
