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Frontman of Armenian-Scottish band: `An Gordonach!' is name chargedw

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  • Frontman of Armenian-Scottish band: `An Gordonach!' is name chargedw

    Frontman of Armenian-Scottish band: `An Gordonach!' is name charged
    with energy and passion!%E2%80%9D-is-name-charged-with-energy-and-passion.html
    MARCH 16, 20:23

    `An Gordonach!' is Armenian-Scottish band featuring guitarist Stuart
    Moir, bass guitarist Tirayr Mkhitaryan (former member of PUSH band)
    and drummer Karen Quake who used to play in `Vordan Karmir.'

    In an interview with STYLE Stuart told about the name of his
    band, impressions about Armenia and the idea of creating a rock group.

    Stuart, could you please tell the history of your band `An
    Gordonach!'. When and where did you meet with other band members?

    I moved to Armenia in February 2010 to work in Vanadzor in the human
    rights sector. To start with I was working pretty much seven days a
    week on projects, so it was very difficult to meet people, especially
    as on winter evenings there was very little to do in Vanadzor! During
    one human rights event I was talking about playing music with one of
    the organizers, who happened to be a friend of the great Armenian
    singer/songwriter Gor Mkhitaryan. She put me in touch with his
    younger brother Tirayr, former guitarist of the Armenian punk band
    `PUSH', and the friendship blossomed from there. We would get together
    several times a week to discuss music, literature and politics, and,
    with the help of the fantastic Vanadzor-based metal band `Vordan
    Karmir', we began to start making some music together. Shortly
    afterwards we were joined by drummer Karen Poghosyan, known as `Quake'
    amongst his friends for his love of computer games, and `An
    Gordonach!' was born.

    Within a month of rehearsing together we had played our first concert
    and started plans to record our first EP (`Animo non Astutia'), which
    we then released in early 2011. I moved to Yerevan for work in
    February 2011 (and left Armenia in August 2011) but Tirayr, Quake and
    I were inseparable ` I went back every fortnight for the weekend so we
    could make more music together and we ended up recording an album
    (Bydand) which we released in April 2012. An important aspect of `An
    Gordonach!' is that we are not bothered about fame or fortune ` we
    play for enjoyment. Then again, with our newer material we are aiming
    to provoke discussion on societal problems in Armenia. We also hope
    that we might perhaps bring some new influence into Armenian rock
    music and inspire younger Armenian rockers to break away from current
    norms and explore new territory.

    How did you choose the name of your band? What does it mean?

    The name of the band comes from the original Scottish Celtic language
    (known as Gaelic). I do not speak Gaelic (as my family is originally
    from the east, not the west, of Scotland), but as a keen linguist I
    deeply respect the ancient language ad want it to thrive. The band's
    name is linked to my family's clan, Clan Gordon. Clans were comprised
    of historical groups of families in Scotland. `An Gordonach!' is a war
    cry meaning something like `Gordons together' [Ð`оÑдонÑ?Ñ? in Russian] `
    it would be shouted when charging into battle. It is a name charged
    with energy, passion, blood and brotherhood. I realize that it is a
    name with which many people might find it difficult to engage, but it
    is important for to us as a band to retain some individuality ` too
    many bands take names of some random English word which means nothing.
    Once you hear `An Gordonach!' it is, on the one hand, more difficult
    to pronounce; however, on the other hand, it is more difficult to

    While we have a very Scottish name, we actually are very proud of our
    being a `Vanadzor' band. Within Armenia Vanadzor has been the hotbed
    of the best Armenian rock music, spawning `Lav Eli', `JEM' and `Vordan
    Karmir', to name but a few (although Gyumri did produce `The Bambir').
    I found that Vanadzortsi had a far wider knowledge of rock music,
    particularly 1990s Britpop, than Yerevantsi, a reason I believe is
    behind the better music coming out of the town!

    You used to live in Armenia. How did it happen that you came to our country?

    I have always held an interest in the countries of the former Soviet
    Union. This interest led me to study Russian at university in London.
    Following my degree I wanted to get involved in international
    development, yet due to the recession I took a job in financial
    journalism. I started searching for opportunities with human rights
    NGOs in many different countries of the former Soviet Union, and an
    opportunity came up in Armenia, which I took. I did have a number of
    Diasporan Armenian friends in London, but coming to Armenia was mainly
    a result of chance! While I had some difficult times there, it was a
    rewarding experience and it has led to some lasting friendships,
    lasting care for where Armenia is heading, and concern about the
    country's human rights situation.

    What impressions do you have of our country as a foreigner?

    I have been asked this question many times by Armenians. My first (and
    polite) answer would be that Armenia is a beautiful country. I
    remember the first time I traveled from Vanadzor to Yerevan in the
    winter and the scenery was breathtaking. However, I then go on to say
    what many Armenians do not expect¦before you read on, please
    understand that I did enjoy my time in Armenia very much; however, as
    I care where the country is headed, certain realities have to be
    described and acknowledged if change is to occur.

    I was outside the `safe haven', i.e. my time was not only spent within
    central Yerevan in summer enjoying the view of Masis, sipping cognac
    and enjoying the hot weather. I spent much time and energy in the
    provinces trying to improve the human rights situation; in Lori, for
    example, I was exposed to communities on the outskirts of Vanadzor
    plagued by forced prostitution and the trafficking of women.
    Corruption pervades the country from top to bottom. Reading many
    articles in the Armenian media give the reader more information about
    what is happening in Turkey and Azerbaijan than Armenia itself, there
    is little introspection or self-criticism.

    Homophobia is rife and patriarchy prevails. Investment principally
    takes place in central Yerevan and the provinces are ignored (for
    example Vanadzor still has derelict buildings which have not been
    rebuilt since the 1988 earthquake), meaning that many young people are
    forced to leave for Yerevan or even abroad, leading to a declining

    That said, many countries worldwide are riddled with problems. I did
    see much in Armenia which makes me believe that the country will
    improve. There is a growing number of Diasporans who want to
    repatriate and try and improve the country. There is a growing youth
    culture which is breaking free of patriarchal norms. There are more
    and more young people who are shaking off political apathy and
    starting to fight for free and fair elections, as well as recognition
    of human rights. The music scene is developing (although the `Rock
    Association' linked to the Prime Minister must be abolished, it is
    obscene) and more and more young, independent bands are emerging.
    Recent political developments (i.e. the recent falsified elections)
    mean the country has taken a political step backwards, indeed there is
    a long way to go on so many levels, but the people I have met and with
    whom I have interacted по пÑоекÑ?ам leads me to believe that Armenia
    could have a brighter future.

    Did you find anything similar between Scottish and Armenian mentality?

    This is another question which I have been asked many times. I would
    say that the biggest similarity between Scots and Armenians would be
    the sense of national pride. Identity is very important to both
    peoples, although I would say that there needs to be a differentiation
    between patriotism and nationalism in both countries ` they are very
    different concepts. For example, I am very proud of my Scottish
    heritage, I feel very comfortable wearing a kilt, but I am fiercely
    against the idea of Scottish independence from Great Britain.

    You are going to visit Armenia again this summer. Do you plan to give
    a concert here?

    I am very much looking forward to my trip back to Armenia this summer
    ` it'll be the first time I've been back in almost 2 years and I have
    missed my band mates and other friends! We will definitely be playing
    a concert in Yerevan during my stay ` we'll publicize it on our
    Facebook page as soon as a date has been decided upon. It'd be great
    to play in Vanadzor as well, but it will depend on what time we have `
    we are also going to be recording a new EP. In previous recordings
    we've concentrated purely on the music, but in the wake of recent
    events the EP is going to take a more political angle. Also, on a
    slightly different musical tangent, we are going to be releasing an
    electronic single in May to try and raise awareness about domestic
    violence in Armenia. STYLE

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress