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We Will Recognize Karabakh's Independence - Armenian President

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  • We Will Recognize Karabakh's Independence - Armenian President


    March 19, 2013 | 13:12

    YEREVAN. - What will Armenia's recognition of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic (NKR) give to Karabakh's population? Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan asked this, during his talk with a group of journalists on
    Monday, responding to the remark that he had considered as adventurism
    ex-presidential candidate, opposition Heritage Party leader, former
    FM Raffi Hovannisian's demand that Armenia recognize NKR.

    "Before reaching a decision, a sensible politician should comprehend
    what results he will achieve, what price he will pay to carry out
    this decision," Sargsyan noted, and asked: "What will the recognition
    of NKR give to the citizens of Karabakh and Armenia today? Will
    recognition make the lives of these citizens more secure? Will this
    decision improve the lives of Karabakh's residents?"

    As per the President, this matter is real.

    "What will this decision give to the citizens of Armenia? Will Armenia
    become more secure? Will Armenia's international standing elevate? I
    see nothing that it would give to Armenia's citizenry, or to Armenia,"
    he stated.

    Reflecting on this matter from the opposite end, Sargsyan specifically
    noted as follows:

    "If we make such decision, the [OSCE Minsk Group brokered peace]
    talks will be ceased; this will be a slap not solely to the other
    negotiating side, but also to the [Minsk Group] Co-Chairs. If a war
    breaks out, will we fight against the whole world on our own? A person
    needs to understand what war is."

    As per Sargsyan, this was the reason why he harshly reacted to
    Hovannisian's aforesaid demand because, according to the President,
    one cannot think up of a more unwise move.

    "But I repeat again. We will recognize NKR's independence if military
    operations are launched. We have nothing to lose at that time, and
    we will state that we are either a united state, or Karabakh is an
    independent state, and that we are the guarantor of the safety of
    the population of Karabakh. We will recognize NKR's independence
    if Azerbaijan launches military operations, or creates such an
    inextricable situation that we would have no alternative. In all other
    cases, it is a betrayal to our soldiers, to our citizenry. We are
    speaking about emigration [yet] inciting war? We are speaking about
    democracy yet putting everything at risk with such unwise decision?"

    Armenia's President noted.
