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Azerbaijani Journalists Were Offended By Finding Gay Bar Called "Tur

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  • Azerbaijani Journalists Were Offended By Finding Gay Bar Called "Tur


    12:58 19/03/2013 " SOCIETY

    There are several closed type entertainment places in Baku, where
    representatives of not traditional sexual orientation gather at
    nights. News "" prepared reportage about one of the bars,
    where young people have recently had a knife-fight.

    The author of the story was especially outraged by the fact that the
    owner of the place, "who apparently suffered a severe disease of
    brain", had named the bar "Turk Oguz" (Turks- Oghuz were medieval
    Turkic tribes, whom the Azerbaijani consider to be their ancestors
    - Ed.).

    "You must agree that a businessman who zealously cares of the "rest"
    of sexual minorities, could give this place an appropriate name,
    for example," Blue Oyster"," We're in a trance from a trance,"
    "Gay is man's best friend ", etc.", the author writes.

    "It is outrageous that our nation gets insulted in the very heart
    of the capital, almost publically. And we, who love to speak about
    the love towards our Fatherland and nation with foam on our mouths,
    we keep silent, like with a mouth full of water. It is impossible
    to think that the police, the executive bodies or the others did not
    know of the existence of that institution. Unfortunately, the moral
    degradation of our society is evident. Degradation grows and we should
    fight with it," the article of the Azerbaijani news agency says.

    According to the author, calling a gay bar "Turk", "Oguz" or
    "Azerbaijani" is offensive. "There are gay bars all over the world,
    but is there a gay bar called "Armenian", " Georgian"," Russian ",
    " Greek", "Polish" and even "French"? No, and cannot be. Because even
    in liberal Europe, where we are advised to respect the rights of gay,
    insulting the nation is a taboo. Maybe besides defending the rights of
    gays we should learn from the Europeans what is self-esteem too?" the
    author writes with outrage.

    Then the reportage says that the gays gather at the bar after ten at
    night, both in men's and women's clothing, in mini-skirts and wigs.

    "Last year in August betrothal of homosexuals was held here. One was in
    a red evening dress and the other in white. They arrived in decorated
    cars, with all traditions, how ridiculous it would not sound. Our
    employee took it on video, and in the morning showed us pictures,"
    girls working in the nearest shop told the author.

    A transvestite named Eliza told the reporter that exclusively gays
    attend this bar. Here at nights the gays celebrate their birthdays,
    engagements and weddings. The bar is open until morning. According
    to sources, the age of the attendees ranges from 18 to 28.

