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Will Rpa Win "Unceremoniously" Or Yield Power?

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  • Will Rpa Win "Unceremoniously" Or Yield Power?


    Naira Hayrumyan
    Country - Monday, 18 March 2013, 11:50

    The municipal election of Yerevan has a chance to be the first "fair"
    election in the history of independent Armenia. Chances are big taking
    into account the wave of protest following the presidential elections
    when it became clear that Serzh Sargsyan received majority of votes
    mainly in remote villages where ballot stuffing is easier. It will be
    hard to carry out the do the same thing in Yerevan. Hence, if good
    control is ensured, fair elections are quite possible. Under these
    conditions, the main question is whether the RPA will try to win
    "unceremoniously" or if there is already a decision to cede Yerevan
    Council to the opposition "for the sake of democracy". The fact that
    the head of Taron Margaryan's headquarters is Eduard Sharmazanov means
    that Republicans will not treat the upcoming election seriously. The
    "young guard" is given a chance to perform and figure out if the
    young generation will make it without the help of elder colleagues.

    Although, the elder colleagues understand that the youth will be unable
    to win through legal methods. The RPA political board will be happy
    with any outcome, whether victory of young Komsomol through illegal
    methods or victory of the opposition. In the second case, the RPA would
    naturally prefer victory of Prosperous Armenia, not Heritage with its
    civil list. If Vartan Oskanian is elected mayor, Europe will define it
    as a leap toward democracy. If Oskanian tries to go against the flow,
    the Mormons will be mentioned again. Actually, the main competitor of
    the civil society in the municipal elections will not be the RPA but
    Vartan Oskanian. It makes no difference whether Oskanian will "take"
    Yerevan fairly or Gagik Tsarukyan will pay the bill.
