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Israel's Claims To Armenia

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  • Israel's Claims To Armenia

    Igor Muradyan

    17:02 18/03/2013
    Story from News:

    It is not a secret that Armenia and its foreign policy are focused
    by Israel because from time to time but at a certain frequency the
    "Armenian reality" gives a surprise to Israel.

    The friends of Israel in the United States and Europe are
    intensively and shamelessly torpedoing the efforts of Armenia and
    Armenian organizations whose goals and interests have nothing to
    do with the interests of Israel and the Jewish communities. The
    policy of insisting on the exclusivity of the Holocaust stems from
    the worldview of exclusivity of the security goals of Israel as a
    historical phenomenon. Now lots of Jews of different countries of the
    West and Israel understand that inhumanity of such an approach leads
    to collapse of the social and cultural existence of Jews. However,
    the voice of these people irritates those who continue to rule the
    politics of Israel and Jewish community organizations.

    Recently, for whatever reasons, the Regnum Information and Analytical
    Service has published the thoughts of the ex-ambassador of Israel
    to Armenia and Georgia, professor of the Jewish university Baruch
    Ben Narnia on the relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Turkey
    and Iran. Considering that Baruch Ben Narnia is a diplomat and put
    his answers to the questions in a highly delicate way, it should be
    understood that the real position of Israel on Armenia looks quite

    The Israeli professor thinks that the relations between Israel and
    Azerbaijan regarding supply of modern arms are legitimate from the
    point of view of international security interests. "High tech defense
    systems of Israel worked out by us under permanent threat and with the
    purpose of protecting our existence are highly popular and demanded
    in lots of countries, including the United States, Russia, China,
    France, the UK, Iran, Italy, Ukraine, etc. Israel is ready to supply
    these technologies, with some restrictions and cautiousness, as well
    as in compliance with international conventions and law, to countries
    which are interested in our products, Azerbaijan, as well as Georgia,
    are not an exception. However, deals on supply of arms and military
    equipment are made in the result of negotiations that take into account
    international norms. Israel is highly cautious about this issue and
    refrains from supply of military technology and platforms that could be
    used in military conflicts. Israeli arms are known all over the world,
    even such countries as China, Russia and others, are interested."

    I wonder how Iran got on this list but apparently something else
    is meant which does not fit the frame of ordinary relations, and on
    the whole it looks like a provocation. But not this time. In fact,
    there are no international sanctions and restrictions on the import of
    arms by Azerbaijan. Besides, Russia also supplies arms and cooperates
    closely with Israel over supply of arms.

    Currently, Russia and Israel act together in regard to several issues
    despite the efforts of Russia to observe traditions in regard to
    Arab states. At the same time, none of the leading states of the
    Euro-Atlantic community supplies weapons to Azerbaijan. Several
    states supply arms to Azerbaijan. However, only Israel supplies modern
    systems that could enable the security of its political centers and

    Everyone understands that Azerbaijan is an aggressive country which
    speaks openly about its intentions. The West is interested in ensuring
    security of oil production and transit facilities, and this policy
    of Israel favors the West. Russia can put forth such an argument as
    "if not us, others will supply weapons."

    Iran's factor in supply of weapon to Azerbaijan appears to be demagogy
    and speculations by Israel. Nobody believes and imagines military
    aggression by Iran against Azerbaijan unless it is provoked, and
    it does not look credible under the current balance of forces and
    phobias of the countries of this region.

    All this is clear. However, at this stage Israel has apparently decided
    to put forth political claims. "Close relations between Armenia and
    Iran, frozen relations with Turkey and the military conflict with
    Azerbaijan, as is seen, are not helpful to improvement of relations
    with Israel." In other words, the problem of distancing Armenia and
    Iran is suggested which even the United States is not going to solve.

    It is clear that the United States and leading European states are
    interested in supporting and developing relations between Armenia
    and Iran because the geopolitical reality is ambiguous. Israel also
    understands that if Armenia comes up with the issue of supply of arms
    to Azerbaijan and generally facilitation of the arms race in the South
    Caucasus on the international arena, it will be an anti-Russian step.

    However, one way or another, it will have to be done, and it will
    raise the international reputation of Armenia indeed.

    Israel's accusation of a policy of facilitation of military
    aggression in the South Caucasus may trace to the legitimacy of
    another circumstance - overcoming restrictions on supply of any
    kind of weapon to Israel's rivals. It may be done in accordance with
    interesting scenarios.

    Nevertheless, one wonders why Regnum decided to publish this interview
    now. Obviously, this article is not isolated from the general flow of
    information in Regnum intended to intimidate Armenia. (By the way, any
    Russian weapon in the Armenian territory may be broken or liquidated
    any time. Remember the forgotten incident at the artillery warehouse
    of the 7th army of the united armed forces of CIS member states at
    the village of Balahovit, Armenia, on the eve of the military action
    in Shushi.)
