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We Should Apologize To Armenians - Turkish Ex-Diplomat

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  • We Should Apologize To Armenians - Turkish Ex-Diplomat

    March 18, 2013 | 00:04

    Haber7 News Agency of Turkey interviewed Turkish former diplomat
    Volkan Vural who, at present, is a permanent member of the Board of
    Directors of the Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association
    (TUSÄ°AD). Below is an excerpt from the talk.

    During an interview you said relations should be established with
    Armenia, that we should apologize from the Armenians, [but] without
    accepting the [Armenian] Genocide. Do you still hold the same view?

    Yes. Close to a million Armenians lived in these lands. They are
    the children of this land. Several incidents occurred [in these
    lands]. In my view, this was a deportation and a tragedy. It is
    possible to apologize for this guilt. [But] of course, the Armenians
    are at fault, too.

    The historians are unable to resolve [this matter]. How will
    politicians resolve [it]?

    In my view, this is a political matter, and the politicians will
    resolve [it]. An apology can be made here, and a call can be made to
    the grandchildren of those that died and were deported: "These are
    your lands, as well. Come [here], there is place for you, too!" [And
    Turkish] citizenship can be granted to those who come.

    All right, but what will we do if millions come?

    Not that much [will come]. Five-hundred thousand can be the maximum
    [that would actually come]. Let it be 600,000, with [their] children
    and grandchildren.

    Will we open the borders [with Armenia] in 2015 [that is, on the
    100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide]?

    I think we should open [the borders]; this likewise is very important
    for the region of Kars [in Turkey]. Due to not conducting direct trade
    [between Armenia and Turkey], third countries are making use of this.
