Monday, 18 March 2013 17:02
During the recent years malignant tumours and diabetes have become more
frequent and younger diseases, NKR minister of healthcare Zoya Lazaryan
was troubled to state when presenting the 2012 annual account of the
Ministry's activity at the recently held session of the NKR government.
As she reported cardiovascular and neural diseases remain the most
widespread ones among the population.
In 2012 267 cases of diabetes and 320 new cases of malignant tumours
were recorded in the Republic. Instead the deaths of the new-born and
children's deaths in general have decreased, Zoya Lazaryan informed.
In relation to cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumours Prime
Minister Ara Haroutyunyan called the healthcare minister to pay greater
attention not to the treatment of the diseases but to do their best
to prevent them.
Monday, 18 March 2013 17:02
During the recent years malignant tumours and diabetes have become more
frequent and younger diseases, NKR minister of healthcare Zoya Lazaryan
was troubled to state when presenting the 2012 annual account of the
Ministry's activity at the recently held session of the NKR government.
As she reported cardiovascular and neural diseases remain the most
widespread ones among the population.
In 2012 267 cases of diabetes and 320 new cases of malignant tumours
were recorded in the Republic. Instead the deaths of the new-born and
children's deaths in general have decreased, Zoya Lazaryan informed.
In relation to cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumours Prime
Minister Ara Haroutyunyan called the healthcare minister to pay greater
attention not to the treatment of the diseases but to do their best
to prevent them.